Does Four cornered bedding [i.e. sheets; blankets; pillows] require Tzitzis, or to have one of its corners rounded?

Does Four cornered bedding [i.e. sheets; blankets; pillows] require Tzitzis, or to have one of its corners rounded?[1]

The Torah obligates a Jewish male to tie fringes onto four corner garments, and prohibits four corner garments from being worn by Jewish males until either the fringes are tied to their corners, or one of the four corners are rounded. Accordingly, the question is raised as what one is to do regarding the common sheets, blankets, and pillows, used for bedding which typically contain four corners. Is a man prohibited from sleeping with such bedding until one of the corners are rounded? May or should one even go as far as to tie Tzitzis onto its corners? Practically, there are two halachic debates relevant to the obligatory status of four cornered bedding material. There is a question as to whether the obligation of Tzitzis even applies to bedding materials as perhaps it only applies to clothing worn on the body. Furthermore, even if one were to rule like the former, that the obligation applies to all garments even not clothing, perhaps it should not apply to bedding material being that is only used ats night when there is an exemption from Tzitzis. In the background in A we will analyze both of these aspects, while in B we will give the final ruling.


A. Background:

Introduction-The “wearing” versus “covering” debate:[2] Some Poskim[3] rule that the Torah only obligated Tzitzis to be tied to garments that a person wears as clothing, as the verse[4] states “Wear them.” However, if they are placed on oneself in a way of covering [as opposed to wearing], such as blankets and pillows, then it is not considered clothing at all. Other Poskim[5] however rule that even garments worn as coverings[6] and not as clothing are obligated in Tzitzis. Practically, such a garment is to have one of its corners rounded [as explained in Halacha 11D] in order to exempt it from Tzitzis according to all.[7]

Night garments:[8] The Mitzvah of Tzitzis does not apply at night, to night garments.[9] The definition of “night garments” is disputed amongst the Poskim:[10] Some Poskim[11] rule that the above law refers to the actual period of nighttime, and hence the law means to say that the Mitzvah of Tzitzis does not apply to any garment that one wears at night, even if it is a garment that is normally worn during the day.[12] On the other hand, according to this opinion, when wearing a garment during the day, one is obligated to attach Tzitzis to it, even if it is a garment that is normally worn during the night.[13] Other Poskim[14] however rule that the above law refers to a garment that is designated to be worn only at night, and hence the law means to say that such a garment is not obligated in Tzitzis even if one wears it on occasion during the day.[15] On the other hand, according to this opinion, when wearing at night a garment that is designated to be worn only during the day, or to be worn by both night and day, one is obligated to attach Tzitzis to it and say a blessing upon wearing it.[16] Practically, due to the lack of arbitration in the above mentioned dispute, one is to be stringent like both opinions.[17] Thus one is to have Tzitzis on all garments that are designated to be worn during the day, or during the night and day, even if he is wearing them at night. Likewise, one is to tie Tzitzis onto all garments that are worn during the day, even if they are garments that are worn only during the night.[18] [However, a garment that is designated to be worn only at night, is exempt from Tzitzis at night according to all. Hence, night-only garments may be worn at night without Tzitzis.[19]]

Night Tzitzis that are worn in the morning upon awakening: A night garment that is designated to be worn at night and into the morning, is nevertheless defined as a night garment.[20]

B. The law:[21]

All four cornered bedding accessories, such as pillows and sheets or blankets, are exempt from Tzitzis.[22] However, according to the opinion who rules night garments are obligated in Tzitzis when worn during the day, one is obligated to have Tzitzis placed on all four cornered bedding.[23] Nevertheless, the widespread custom is not to tie Tzitzis at all onto such garments, even if the garments are made from wool or linen.[24] Practically, despite the custom, one is to round one corner of a four cornered sheet [blanket[25]] or pillow if it is made of wool [or other Tzitzis obligating material[26]] in order to exempt it from Tzitzis according to all.[27] [According to some Poskim[28], this applies even to the bedding that one sleeps on. Other Poskim[29] however rule that these sheets are exempt according to all. Blanket covers are not required to be rounded even according to the stringent opinion.[30] Comforters and duvets do not need their corners rounded even according to those who are stringent.[31]]




It is debated whether four cornered bedding materials such as blankets and sheets and pillows are obligated in Tzitzis, and although practically the widespread custom is to be lenient, it is proper to be stringent to round off one of the corners.


Practical Custom today:[32]

Despite the above conclusion and directive to be stringent, the custom of the world is not to round the corners of sheets and blankets even if they are made of wool

Chabad custom:[33] The widespread Chabad custom is not to round the corners of four cornered bedding, blankets, sheets, and pillows. However, some Chassidim were particular in this matter.

Practical advice:

Although the custom of the world is to be lenient as we stated, nonetheless, every person should initially strive to follow the final directive of Admur, and hence when one goes to purchase blankets and sheets and pillows, he should try to purchase one that already contains rounded corners and hence to prevent the above issues. As stated above, comforters and duvets do not need to corners rounded.



[1] See Admur 18:5

[2] Admur 18:5; M”A 18:3

[3] Ravayah 1 and 152; Mordechai; Darkei Moishe 18:2; Opinion recorded in Admur and M”A ibid to defend custom of not tying Tzitzis to the corners of bedding

[4] Devarim 22:12 “Gedilim Taaseh Lecha Al Arba Kanfos Kesuscha Asher Tichaseh Ba”

[5] Tosafus Menachos 41a; Hagahos Maimanis 3:7; Yireim; brought in Admur ibid and M”A ibid under those opinions that hold blankets are obligated to have Tzitzis.

[6] This includes blankets and sheets, and according to some Poskim includes also the bedding that is placed on the bed, over which the person sleeps. [Aruch “Kar”; M”B 18:8; See Siddur Rav Raskin Miluim 7] However many Poskim argue on this and state that the bottom sheets are exempt even according to Tosafus. [Ashel Avraham Butchach 18; Chesed Lealafim 18:2; Chazon Ish 3:36; Piskeiy Teshuvos 10:13 footnote 88]

[7] Admur ibid; Siddur Admur; M”A ibid

Difference between Shulchan Aruch and Siddur: In the Shulchan Aruch it is implied that Admur extends this ruling even to sheets that the person sleeps on top of, as rules Tosafus ibid. However, in the Siddur Admur only mentions this ruling regarding blankets which cover the person from on top. [See Siddur Rav Raskin Miluim 7]

[8] Admur 18:1-4

[9] 18:1; brought also in 8:27; Michaber 18:1; Menachos 43

The reason: As the verse states “Ureisem Oso” “That you shall see it” thus coming to exclude night garments. [Admur ibid; Menachos ibid]

At night near light: Some Poskim write that a four cornered garment is obligated in Tzitzis at night if it is in an area near a candle, and hence can be seen. [Pardes of Rashi Tzitzis 36; Hagahos Chasam Sofer 18; See Har Tzevi 1:12]

[10] 18:2; Michaber 18:1; See also 19:2 regarding Tachrichin

[11] Rambam 3:8; first opinion in Admur and Michaber ibid

[12] The reason: As in their opinion the verse is only excluding garments that cannot be seen while they are worn. [Admur ibid]

[13] The reason: As these garments are visible while they are worn and are hence included in the obligation of Ureisem Oso. [Admur ibid]

[14] Rosh Hilchos Tzitzis; 2nd opinion in Admur and Michaber ibid

[15] The reason: As initially the garment was only made to be worn at a time that it cannot be seen. [Admur ibid]

[16] The reason: As these garments were made to be worn at a time that they are visible. [Admur ibid]

[17] Admur ibid and 19:2; Darkei Moshe; Olas Tamid 18:2

[18] Why does the wearing of such Tzitzis not constitute Baal Tosif according to those that exempt it from Tzitzis? As whenever one fulfills a Mitzvah due to doubt it is not considered Baal Tosif. See Siddur Admur “Doing so does not involve the prohibition of Baal Tosif being that there are opinions that state one is obligated to wear Tzitzis on a day garment even if it is worn at night.”

[19] Regarding if wearing such a garment at night together with Tzitzis constitutes Baal Tosif-see Chapter 1 Halacha 10A in Q&A!

[20] Implication of Admur 18:5 and M”A 18:3 regarding blankets which are worn into the morning, and at times by day, that it is a dispute if they are required to have Tzitzis, hence implying that according to all they are defined as a Kesus Layla! Hence, when one wears it by day he cannot say a blessing, as according to the opinion that a Kesus Layla is exempt from Tzitzis, this garment is not obligated to have Tzitzis.

[21] Admur 18:5

[22] First opinion in Admur ibid; Michaber 18:2; Rosh Tzitzis

The reason: As these garments are considered night garments, and night garments are exempt from Tzitzis [according to some opinions]. Now, although one occasionally sleeps with his bedding also during the day, nevertheless since their main purpose is for night use, therefore it is considered a night garment and is exempt from Tzitzis. [Admur ibid; This only applies according to those that rule night garments are exempt from Tzitzis even during the day, as explained next.] Vetzaruch Iyun as to why Admur records this ruling as a Setam, when in truth it is subject to the same debate as all night garments of which there is no arbitration. Vetzaruch Iyun!

[23] So rules Hagahos Maimanis 3:7 and Yireim; brought in Admur ibid and M”A 18:3

The reason: As one sleeps with them in the morning [and in the morning these garments are obligated in Tzitzis in their opinion]. [Admur ibid] However see Siddur that Admur writes one is to round one of the corners because at times he sleeps with the bedding during the day. [so writes also Kaf Hachaim 18:17; See Elya Raba 18:2 that even according to the Rambam sleeping with garment into the morning is only an extension of the night wearing and is not obligated in Tzitzis even according to him; See Siddur Rav Raskin Miluim 7]

[24] Admur ibid; M”A ibid; Mor Uketzia of Yaavetz 18; Aruch Hashulchan 18:8; Ashel Avraham Butchach 18; Hisorerus Teshuvah 1:9; Chazon Ish 3:36; Piskeiy Teshuvos 10:13

The reason: The reason for this is because there are opinions that say that the Torah only obligated Tzitzis to be tied to garments that a person wears as clothing, as the verse states “Wear them.” However, if they are placed on oneself in a way of covering [as opposed to wearing], such as blankets and pillows, then it is not considered clothing at all. [Admur ibid; M”A 18:3] Thus blankets are exempt from Tzitzis even according to the Rambam.

[25] Siddur Admur

[26] Implication of Siddur Admur which does not mention specifically wool. [Piskei Hasiddur 40]; Artzos Hachaim 18:15

Ruling of Admur in Shulchan Aruch and Other Poskim: The M”A and Admur ibid only mention wool bedding regarding this stringency of rounding a corner. Based on this, many Poskim rule that there is no need even for a G-d fearing Jew to round sheets that are made of other material. [P”M 18 A”A 3; Ben Ish Chaiy Lech Lecha 17; M”B 18:8; See Kaf Hachaim 18:17]

[27] Admur ibid; Siddur Admur; M”A ibid; P”M 18 A”A 3; Chesed Lealafim 18:5; Ben Ish Chaiy Lech Lecha 17; M”B 18:8; Kaf Hachaim 18:17

[28] M”B ibid, based on Tosafus ibid, and so is implied from Admur 18:5, although from Siddur it is implied that it is not necessary, as brought next

Difference between Shulchan Aruch and Siddur: In the Shulchan Aruch it is implied that Admur extends this ruling even to sheets that the person sleeps on top of, as rules Tosafus ibid. However, in the Siddur Admur only mentions this ruling regarding blankets which cover the person from on top. [See Siddur Rav Raskin Miluim 7]

[29] Ashel Avraham Butchach 18; Chesed Lealafim 18:2; Chazon Ish 3:36; Piskeiy Teshuvos 10:13 footnote 88

[30] Hisorerus Teshuvah 1:9

[31] Ashel Avraham 18

The reason: As the puffiness causes their corners to be rounded.

[32] Mor Uketzia of Yaavetz 18; Aruch Hashulchan 18:8; Ashel Avraham Butchach 18; Hisorerus Teshuvah 1:9; Chazon Ish 3:36; Piskeiy Teshuvos 10:13

[33] See Hiskashrus 461:17; Siddur Rav Raskin Miluim 7

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