4. Is the food allowed to be eaten after Shabbos if that night is Yom Tov?

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4. Is the food allowed to be eaten after Shabbos if that night is Yom Tov?[1]

If Yom Tov falls out on the evening after Shabbos then [food which was cooked on Shabbos] is forbidden until after Yom Tov, because [on] Shabbos [one] is not allowed to prepare for Yom Tov.

Other Opinions: [However] there are opinions which say that there is no preparation involved in this case for the reasons that will be explained in chapter 501 [Halacha 18].

The Final Ruling: One should suspect for the first opinion [and thus not eat it until after Yom Tov].


[1] Admur 318:3

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