3. Returning or removing a door into or from its hinges

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3. Returning or removing a door into or from its hinges:

Removing the door of a house or pit:[1] The door of a house and of a Bor pit and Dus pit[2] or of vessels which are attached to the ground, such as for example a chicken coop which is a vessel and is attached to the ground, it is forbidden to either remove or return [the hinges of these doors into or out of their sockets[3] even if they are placed in loosely], as anything attached to the ground has the [prohibition] of building [it] and destroying [it][4].[see note[5]]

By doors with a hinge on their side:[6] Even a door that does not have a hinge on its top or bottom, but rather on its side, meaning that on its side there is one bolt that protrudes which has a hole opposite it within the doorpost, into which one inserts the bolt  into this hole when he closes the door, and when one opens the door he removes it out from the hole, in which case here there is [thus] no suspicion that one may come to [strongly] insert [the bolt into its hole] being that the door is made for constant opening and closing [and thus one will purposely not place the bolt too strongly into the hole], nevertheless it is forbidden to return this hinge into its hole on Shabbos due to a decree [that if one were to be allowed to do so then he may come to also insert] a hinge which is not on the side of the door, [in which there is suspicion that one may insert it strongly].

Its law on Yom Tov: [7] However, on Yom Tov it is allowed [to insert this type of hinge into its socket, when done] for the sake of the joy of Yom Tov, [such as to get into ones food storage house to get food for Yom Tov], as will be explained in chapter 519 [Halacha 1].



It is never allowed to place a door onto its hinges or remove it from its hinges on Shabbos. 


If a sliding door or screen came out of its sockets may it be reinserted?[8]

It is forbidden to return a screen or door to its setting on Shabbos, and they are considered Muktzah, just like a detached door of a house. Thus, a sliding screen or glass door which became removes from its sockets is Muktzah. This applies even if the screen or door is only loosely attached to its socket and may thus be easily removed.[9]

However, if one’s screen or door is not attached well and constantly comes out upon moving it, then it may be reinserted if it comes out.[10]


[1] Admur 313:17; see also 313:8: “However, one must beware that if they have hinges that one not return the hinge to their sockets as will be explained [in Halacha 17].”

[2] A dus pit is a pit that has a wall surrounding it, while a Bor pit does not have anything surrounding it, and is rather just a hole in the ground. [See Baba Basra 64a and Rashi there] In Chapter 587:1 the Alter Rebbe explains that a Dus is any building which majority of its space is underground level. However, if only minority of it is above ground level, then it has the same law as a house.

[3] Admur 313:8

[4] This Biblical prohibition applies even if the door was only semi-firmly placed into its sockets. [Ketzos Hashulchan 119 note 4]

[5] However, by a door of a vessel attached to the ground this is only a Rabbinical prohibition and thus it is permitted to remove the covering of an item attached to the ground if it is meant to be constantly opened and closed and if it is not attached onto hinges, as explained in chapter 259 Halacha 7 and in 314 Halacha 19.

[6] Admur 313:15

[7] Admur 313:15

[8] Piskeiy Teshuvos 308:12

[9] Kitzur SHU”A 80:72

[10] Kaneh Bosem 1:20; Ashel Avraham Butshesh 313

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