10. Massages

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10. Massages:[1]

It is forbidden to massage one’s body with force even for mere pleasure.[2] It goes without saying [that this is forbidden to be done] in order to exercise and sweat.[3]

With oil:[4] It is permitted to smear [oil] [See “The laws of oiling one’s body” regarding using scented oils] and massage [it] with ones hand over ones entire body for pleasure so long as it is done differently than how it is done during the week, meaning that he is to oil and massage simultaneously [as opposed to first smearing the oil and then massaging it], [as well as that] he is to not apply force [with his hands] but rather is to do it with his hands gently.


  Giving a massage:

Is only allowed to be done gently, and not for purpose of sweating or exercise, and if oil is being used one may only do so by smearing the oil simultaneously to giving the massage.


May one give a massage for healing purposes?

It is questionable whether one may do so gently, without force.[5] Practically, some[6] write that one may not do so at all, even gently.

May one who feels weak and stressed out receive a massage to give him strength?

It is questionable whether this is considered for healing or for pleasure.[7] Even if this is considered healing, it is questionable whether one may do so gently, without force.[8] However some[9] write that doing so is considered healing and hence may not be done at all, even gently.


[1] Admur 328:47 and 327:2; Michaber 328:42; Shabbos 147a

[2] Admur 328:47 and 327:2; Michaber 327:2; Shabbos 147a as explains Rashi

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it is permitted to massage the body regularly for mere pleasure, even strongly. [Rambam as brought in M”A 328:46; M”B 327:7 and Biur Halacha 328:42 “Kdei”]

[3] Admur 328:47; Michaber 328:42; Shabbos 147a as explains Ramabam, and certainly this would apply according to Rashi

[4] Admur 327:2; Michaber 327:2; Mishneh Shabbos 147a as explains Rashi

[5] Implication of Michaber 328:42 and M”A 328:46 that even when done for healing, such as for sweating, it may be done gently; It is unclear from Admur 328:47 if even when done for healing, such as for sweating, it may be done gently. Another reason to permit doing so gently is because any matter that is done by majority of healthy people may be done for purposes of healing being it does not appear like healing. [P”M 328 A”A 46] Vetzaruch Iyun

[6] Piskeiy Teshuvos 327:2; See M”B 328:130 in which it is not clear if he means to forbid it completely or only forbids doing so with force

[7] Shiltei Giborim brought in M”A 328:46; M”B 328:130

[8] See previous Q&A!

[9] Piskeiy Teshuvos 327:2; See M”B 328:130 in which it is not clear if he means to forbid it completely or only forbids doing so with force

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