From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Sechach barbecue; 2) When to do Pidyon Haben; 3) Meat and dairy imitators

  1. Question: [Monday, 29th Mar Cheshvan, 5781]

Is one permitted to use Sechach for the sake of starting a bonfire?



Yes. It is only forbidden to use Sechach for belittling purposes. It is clear from the Poskim that using it to start a fire is not considered a belittling purpose, and on the contrary so is even recommended to be done with the Aravos to help bake the Matzos, and so is also customarily done with the Lulav. It is definitely no more for belittlement than the accustom practice of turning the esrog into jelly which is then eaten.


Sources: See Admur 638:19 and our following article:


  1. Question: [Monday, 29th Mar Cheshvan, 5781]

On which day is a Pidyon Haben to take place?



A Pidyon Haben is a take place on the 31st day from birth. Thus, if the baby was born on a Sunday prior to sunset than the Pidyon Haben is to take place four weeks and two weekdays later, on a Tuesday. It may not take place beforehand and may not initially be delayed past the 31st day. If the 31st day falls on Shabbos or Yom Tov then it is to take place the next day.

Sources: Michaber Y.D. 305:11; Siddur Admur


  1. Question: [Monday, 29th Mar Cheshvan, 5781]

If a Pidyon Haben falls on Shabbos [i.e. the 31st day], when should it take place?



If the 31st day falls on Shabbos then it is to take place the next day, on Sunday.

Sources: Michaber Y.D. 305:11


  1. Question: [Monday, 29th Mar Cheshvan, 5781]

Is it permitted to enter meat and dairy imitators into ingredients of a food? My question is due to Maaras Ayin?



The rule is as follows: It is permitted to use meat and dairy imitators [i.e. Pareve] in the same food so long as people understand that they are imitators and are not real meat or milk. There are two ways of this can be accomplished, 1) Through leaving the pareve label of the meat and dairy imitators near the food being cooked and eaten; 2) Through it being already common knowledge in one’s area that these meat and dairy imitators exist and therefore there is no Maaras Ayin.

Sources: See Michaber and Rama Y.D. 87:3-4; Kneses Hagedola 87:8; Machazik Bracha 87:6; Kaf Hachaim 87:27; Cheishev Haeifod 1:20; Mishneh Halachos 5:97


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