Daily Tanya 23rd Adar 1: Chapter 32: Ahavas Yisrael-How to love every Jew, and the Mitzvah to love even sinners and the non-observant

Chapter 32: Ahavas Yisrael-How to love every Jew, and the Mitzvah to love even sinners and the non-observant

(LY) 23rd Adar 1

1.     Achieving true love of a fellow Jew through experiencing contempt of the body and joy of the soul:

  • Through doing the above exercises [found in chapters 30 and 31], in which one contemplates and experiences the lowliness and contempt of the body, and in contrast one experiences only the joy of the soul, one can come to a straightforward and easy fulfillment of the command to love one’s fellow Jew. A love for every single Jew, whether young or old.

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