Daily Tanya 17th Iyar Chapter 49 The three contractions, their purpose, and how to reciprocate a love for G-d


Chapter 49: The three contractions, their purpose, and how to reciprocate a love for G-d

(LY) 17th Iyar

1.     The three general Tzimtzumim-Contractions:

·      The many contractions: In general, there are many detailed contractions which conceal the infinite light of G-d within the descending order of the worlds until this physical world was able to be created. These contractions are so great in quality type, and number that they are too many to count.

·      The three main contractions: Nonetheless, in general there are three major contractions which include all the other myriads of contractions. These are the contractions which created the three general worlds of Beriyah Yetzirah and Assiyah. Each of these general worlds and contractions contain a myriad of details.

·      The world of Atzilus: The world of Atzilus is not included within the worlds of major contractions as this world is actual G-dliness.

·      The contraction of the world of Beriyah: The world of Beriyah consists of the higher souls and angels who serve Hashem with their intellect, through comprehending G-dliness. For this world to be created and contain the existence of separate beings and give it the potential for G-dliness to be comprehended, a great and powerful contraction was required to take place.

·      The contraction of the world of Yetzirah: The world of Yetzirah is much lower than the world of Beriyah, and hence although the light found in the world of Beriyah is itself limited and minute, it is considered unlimited in relation to the world of Yetzirah, and thus cannot be invested within this world. For this world to be created, a second great and powerful contraction and concealment was required to take place.

·      The contraction of the world of Assiyah: The world of Assiyah is much lower than the world of Yetzirah, and hence although the light found in the world of Yetzirah is itself limited and minute, it is considered unlimited in relation to the world of Assiyah, and thus cannot be invested within this world. For this world to be created, a third great and powerful contraction and concealment was required to take place.

·      Elsewhere is written in great detail an explanation regarding these three types of contractions.

2.     The purpose of the Tzimtzumim:

·      Create man to do Iskafya: The purpose of all the above-mentioned “contractions” was to create the human body, and in turn to then have this body of man subjugate evil and bring light out from darkness.

·      Elevating the soul to G-d: One accomplishes shining light through the darkness through elevating one’s G-dly and animal soul and its garments and soul powers all to Hashem. This is the entire purpose of the progressive descent of the worlds.

3.     Reciprocating the love for G-d:

·      Through contemplating all the above one should come to a recognition of how much he should love G-d and go beyond his way on behalf of G-d and should equally desire to do so.

·      The contemplation: One should contemplate the above how G-d contracted his great infinite light with three different forms of contractions all in order to create man. This itself was due to His great love for us, to give lowly beings the opportunity to elevate themselves back to G-d, as love forces one to perform actions that otherwise he would not do.

·      Giving up everything for G-d: Accordingly, how much more so should man reciprocate this love and action of G-d and give up everything he possesses, both spiritually and physically, on behalf of G-d, in order to attach to Him with a great love and attachment, and not let anything get in his way, not bodily matters, money, or wife and children.

4.     Why do we recite Birchas Kerias Shema?

·      Based on the above explanation, we can understand why the sages instituted for one to recite the blessings over the Shema, with two blessings said before its recital, and two blessings said after its recital.

·      The question: Seemingly, these blessings have no connection whatsoever with the paragraphs of the Shema as written by the Rashba and other Poskim. Hence, it is not understood as to why they were established to be recited prior to the recital of Shema, and as to why they are called the blessings of the Shema.

5.     Purpose of Shema-To love G-d unconditionally:

·      The answer: The main purpose of the daily Shema recital is to fulfill the words “with all your heart and with both of your inclinations” by standing against all impediments that prevent one from properly loving G-d. This is inherent within the words of the Shema.

·      “With all your heart”-wife and children: The words “with all your heart” that are said in the Shema refer to the natural love that one has for his wife and children. This natural love may act as an impediment in one achieving love of G-d and properly serving Him. Hence, we recite in the Shema that we will give up even this natural love for the sake of serving G-d and loving Him.

·      “Your soul and your money”: The words “Your soul and your money” that are said in the Shema refer to giving up one’s life and sustenance for the sake of G-d, which represents in essence giving up everything for the sake of loving G-d.

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