Daily Chumash Thursday Vayikra: The Chatas sin offering of a Kohen Moshiach



  1. The Chatas sin offering of a Kohen Moshiach:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that he should tell the Jewish people the following laws relating to a sin offering that is brought if a soul unintentionally sins and transgresses one of the commands that Hashem prohibited.
  • The sin offering of a Kohen Moshaich: If the anointed Kohen sins, he is to bring a young bull which is unblemished as a Chatas offering for Hashem. The bull is to be brought to the entrance of the Ohel Moed and he is to rest his hands on the head of the bull and sacrifice it before Hashem.
  • Offering the blood: The Kohen is to dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before Hashem, onto the face of the Paroches. The Kohen is to take from the blood and place it on the corners of the altar used for the incense. The remaining blood is to be spilled on the base of the altar that is outside the Ohel Moed. 
  • Offering the animal: All the fat that covers the innards is to be offered. The two kidneys and the fat that is on them, and the diaphragm on the liver and kidneys is to be offered on the Olah altar. The skin of the bull and its meat, head, feet, innards and waste is to be taken outside of the camp to a pure place where the ashes are poured, and is to be burnt there using wood.

  1. The Chatas sin offering of the congregation/Sanhedrin:
  • If the entire Jewish people accidentally sin, then the congregation is to offer a young bull as a Chatas offering for Hashem. The bull is to be brought to the entrance of the Ohel Moed. The elders of the congregation are to rest their hands on the head of the bull and slaughter it before Hashem.
  • Offering the blood: The Kohen Hamoshiach is to bring the blood to the Ohel Moed and dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before Hashem, onto the face of the Paroches. The Kohen is to take from the blood and place it on the corners of the altar used for the incense. The remaining blood is to be spilled on the base of the altar that is outside the Ohel Moed.
  • Offering the animal: All of its fat is to be offered to the altar. Everything that is done to the offering of the Kohen Moshaich is likewise to be done to this offering. Doing so will bring atonement and Hashem will forgive them. The bull is to be removed to outside the camp and be burnt just as described by the previous offering.
  1. The Chatas sin offering of a Nassi:
  • If a leader accidentally sins, he is to bring a male goat which is unblemished as a Chatas offering for Hashem. He is to rest his hands on the head of the goat and sacrifice it before Hashem in the same area as the Olah offering.
  • Offering the blood: The Kohen is to take from the blood and place it on the corners of the altar used for the incense. The remaining blood is to be spilled on the base of the Ohel altar.
  • Offering the animal: All of its fat is to be offered to the altar. Doing so will bring atonement and Hashem will forgive him.

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