Daily Chumash Sunday, Mishpatim: The laws of an Eved Ivri


Parshas Mishpatim

Pesukim: 118 [Siman:עזיאל ]

Haftorah: Yermiyahu 34:8-22, 33:25-26


Number of Mitzvos:

There are a total of fifty-three Mitzvos in Parshas Mishpatim. Twenty-three positive commands and Thirty negative commands.

A. Positive commands:

1. Mitzvah 42/Positive 15: To adjudicate the law of a Jewish slave [i.e. Eved Ivri] in accordance to the Torah regulations and laws.

2. Mitzvah 43/Positive 16: For the master to marry his Jewish maidservant [i.e. Ama Ivriya].

3. Mitzvah 44/Positive 17: For the master to help the Jewish maidservant [i.e. Ama Ivriya] redeem herself.

4. Mitzvah 47/Positive 18: To adjudicate capital punishment by strangulation [i.e. Chenek] to those liable.

5. Mitzvah 49/Positive 19: To punish one who injures his friend in accordance to Torah law.

6. Mitzvah 50/Positive 20: To adjudicate capital punishment by decapitation [i.e. Sayif/Cherev] to those liable.

7. Mitzvah 51/Positive 21: To adjudicate cases of damage or injury caused by the ox of an individual in accordance to Torah law.

8. Mitzvah 53/Positive 22: To adjudicate cases of damage or injury caused by a pit of an individual in accordance to Torah law.

9. Mitzvah 54/Positive 23: To adjudicate cases of stealing in accordance to Torah law.

10. Mitzvah 55/Positive 24: To adjudicate in accordance to Torah law cases of damage caused by an ox of an individual who ate one’s produce or destroyed it through walking.

11. Mitzvah 56/Positive 25: To adjudicate cases of damage caused by the fire of an individual in accordance to Torah law.

12. Mitzvah 57/Positive 26: To adjudicate cases of damage or loss caused to an item while stored by a custodian who was not paid for his services [i.e. Shomer Chinam] in accordance to Torah law.

13. Mitzvah 58/Positive 27: To adjudicate cases of civil claims [i.e. Toein Venitaan] in accordance to Torah law.

14. Mitzvah 59/Positive 28: To adjudicate cases of damage or loss caused to an item while stored by a paid custodian [i.e. Shomer Sachar], or by a renter, in accordance to Torah law.

15. Mitzvah 60/Positive 29: To adjudicate cases of damage or loss caused to an item while borrowed [i.e. Shoel], or by a renter, in accordance to Torah law.

16. Mitzvah 61/Positive 30: To adjudicate cases of seduction/statutory rape of a virgin [i.e. Besula] in accordance to Torah law.

17. Mitzvah 66/Positive 31: To lend money to a pauper in need.

18. Mitzvah 78/Positive 32: To follow the majority opinion in cases of disputes regarding all Torah matters.

19. Mitzvah 80/Positive 33: To remove a heavy burden from on top of an animal.

20. Mitzvah 84/Positive 34: To disown all the land produce grown in the year of Shemita.

21. Mitzvah 85/Positive 35: To rest from work on Shabbos.

22. Mitzvah 88/Positive 36: To visit the Temple during the festivals three times a year.

23. Mitzvah 91/Positive 37: To bring the first fruits [i.e. Bikurim] to the Temple.


B. Negative commands:

1.      Mitzvah 45/Negative 28: Not to sell the Jewish maidservant [i.e. Ama Ivriya] to others.

2.      Mitzvah 46/Negative 29: Not to infringe on the rights of the Jewish maidservant [i.e. Ama Ivriya] towards food, clothing, and conjugal rights.

3.      Mitzvah 48/Negative 30: Not to hit one’s father or mother.

4.      Mitzvah 52/Negative 31: Not to eat the meat of an ox which was found liable for capital punishment.

5.      Mitzvah 62/Negative 32: Not to allow a witch to live, and to judge her with death.

6.      Mitzvah 63/Negative 33: Not to verbally oppress a convert of the gentile nations.

7.      Mitzvah 64/Negative 34: Not to monetarily cheat a convert of the gentile nations.

8.      Mitzvah 65/Negative 35: Not to oppress orphans or widows neither in speech or action.

9.      Mitzvah 67/Negative 36: Not to demand payment of a loan if one knows he cannot pay it.

10.  Mitzvah 68/Negative 37: Not to collect or give interest on/to a loan.

11.  Mitzvah 69/Negative 38: Not to curse judges.

12.  Mitzvah 70/Negative 39: Not to curse G-d.

13.  Mitzvah 71/Negative 40: Not to curse the Nassi, which is the king and head of the Sanhedrin.

14.  Mitzvah 72/Negative 41: Not to tithe the produce in the wrong order.

15.  Mitzvah 73/Negative 42: Not to eat meat of a Treif animal.

16.  Mitzvah 74/Negative 43: Not to listen to the claims of one side not in the presence of the other.

17.  Mitzvah 75/Negative 44: Not to accept testimony of a sinner.

18.  Mitzvah 76/Negative 45: Not to follow a simple majority in cases of capital punishment.

19.  Mitzvah 77/Negative 46: For a judge not to base his ruling on the opinion of other judges unless he comprehends it.

20.  Mitzvah 79/Negative 47: For a judge not to show compassion in judgment on the weak and poor.

21.  Mitzvah 81/Negative 48: Not to tilt the judgment of a case against the side of a sinner.

22.  Mitzvah 82/Negative 49: Not to give capital punishment for a sin unless valid witnesses testify.

23.  Mitzvah 83/Negative 50: For a judge not to take a bribe even if he plans to judge truthfully.

24.  Mitzvah 86/Negative 51: Not to swear, or cause others to swear, in the names of idolatry.

25.  Mitzvah 87/Negative 52: Not to influence others to serve idolatry.

26.  Mitzvah 89/Negative 53: Not to slaughter the Pesach offering on the 14th of Nissan while still owning Chametz in one’s possessions.

27.  Mitzvah 90/Negative 54: Not to leave the parts of the Pesach offering, and other offerings, that need to be offered to the altar, until morning. [i.e. Nosar]

28.  Mitzvah 92/Negative 55: Not to cook meat and milk together.

29.  Mitzvah 93/Negative 56: Not to make a covenant with the seven Canaanite nations.

30.  Mitzvah 94/Negative 57: Not to allow idolaters to live in our land.



  1. The laws of an Eved Ivri:
  • His terms of service and release: These are the laws that you shall place before them: When you purchase a Jewish slave [Eved Ivri], he shall work for six years and in the seventh year he is to be freed. If he came alone he is to leave alone, while if he came with a wife he is to leave with a wife. If the slave is given a wife by his master, then she and the children are to remain with the master, while he is to go free.
  • If the slave does not want to leave: If the slave states that he enjoys working for his master and does not want to go free, then the master is to take him to the judges and bring him to the doorpost and make a hole through his ear using a peg, and he shall work for him forever.

  1. The laws of an Ama Ivria:
  • If one sells his daughter as a Jewish maidservant [Ama Ivriya] her conditions of release are not like that of other slaves. She cannot be sold. He is encouraged to marry her, or to have his son marry her, and give her the regular marital rights maintained by a wife. He must provide her with food, clothing, and conjugal rights. If the above is not performed, she shall go free.

  1. Cases involving injury and homicide:
  • Murder: One who hits a man and murders him is to be put to death. If it was unintentional, he is to flee to an area of refuge.
  • Hitting one’s parents: One who hits his parents is to be put to death.
  • Kidnapping: One who kidnaps a person and sells him is to be put to death.
  • Cursing one’s parents: One who curses his parents is to be put to death.
  • Injury: One who injures a person is to pay restitution for damages caused.

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