*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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- Rachel trades her night with Yaakov in exchange for Reuvein’s flowers: Reuvein went out in the days of the wheat harvest and found Dudaim [jasmine] in the field. He gave them to his mother Leah. Rachel asked Leah to give her some of the flowers of her son. Leah replied “Is it not enough that you have taken my husband that now you want to take my sons flowers!” In response, Rachel told Leah that in exchange for the flowers, Leah could sleep with Yaakov that night. That night upon Yaakov’s arrival from the field, Leah came to greet him, telling him that she bought off Rachel with the Dudaim flowers of her son. Yaakov slept with her that night.
- Leah gives birth to Yissachar, Zevulun, and Dina: Hashem hearkened to Leah and she became pregnant and gave birth to a fifth son who she named Yissachar, in commemoration of the fact that “Hashem has rewarded me for having given my maidservant to my husband.” She again became pregnant and had a sixth son for Yaakov who she named Zevulun, in commemoration of the fact that “Hashem has merited me with a good endowment, as I have borne my husband six sons and now he will make his permanent home with me.” Afterwards Leah had a daughter who she named Dina.
- Rachel gives birth to Yosef: Hashem remembered Rachel and hearkened to her and opened her womb. She became pregnant and had a son who she called Yosef in commemoration of the fact that “Hashem has gathered [and concealed] my disgrace” and as a future prayer that “Hashem should add on for me another son.”
- Yaakov asks to leave:
- After Rachel gave birth to Yosef, Yaakov asked Lavan to let him go back to his home and take his wives and children with him, as he worked for them in exchange. Lavan replied that he does not want Yaakov to leave as he has the belief that he was blessed by G-d due to his presence.
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