Daily Chumash Parshas Vayishlach Sheiyni – Yaakov sends presents to Eisav

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Yaakov sends presents to Eisav:
    • The content of the present: Yaakov slept there that night and prepared to send Eisav a present of animals; 200 female goats and 20 male goats, 200 female sheep, and 20 rams, 30 male and female camels, 40 female cows and 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 male donkeys.
    • The instructions given to the messengers sending the present: Yaakov placed the animals in different groups of herds, and instructed the messengers taking the herds to make space between each herd. Yaakov instructed them: Upon meeting Eisav, you are to tell him that the animals belong to your servant Yaakov and he is sending them as a present to his master Eisav. Tell him that Yaakov too is on his way to greet him. Each group was instructed to tell Eisav the above.
    • Yaakov slept that night in the camp, after the present was sent.
  1. Yaakov battles the angel of Eisav:
    • Crossing his family: Yaakov awoke in middle of the night and crossed his two wives and 11 children across the river of Yabok. He also moved all of his belongings. Yaakov remained on the other side and fought with a man until daybreak.
    • The battle: The man saw that he was unable to overcome Yaakov, so he injured his joint in his thigh. Yaakov was holding him when morning arrived and refused to let go of him until he promised to bless him. The man promised Yaakov that his name will no longer be Yaakov but rather Yisrael, which means that he has battled and won against men [who are angels]. Yaakov asked for his name, and the man did not answer.

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