Daily Chumash Bamidbar Friday – The Levite census, their jobs, leaders, and area of encampment

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Counting of Bechoros:
  • The command: Hashem spoke to Moshe saying he should take a census of the firstborn of the Jewish people, counting all males one month old and above.
  • Designating the Levites and animals in exchange for firstborns: You shall designate the Levites and their animals for Me in exchange for the firstborns of the Jewish people and their firstborn animals.
  • The count: Moshe counted the firstborns of the Jewish people as Hashem commanded and there was a total of 22,273 firstborn males above the age of one month.


  1. Redeeming the Bechoros with the Levites:
  • The command: Hashem commanded Moshe to exchange the Levites and their animals for the firstborns of the Jewish people and their firstborn animals, and they shall be for Me.
  • The redemption of the extra 273 firstborn: For the redemption of the 273 Israelite firstborns who are in surplus to the Levite count, you shall take five Shekalim per head, each Shekel being the worth of 20 Geira. Give the money to Aaron and his sons.
  • Moshe took the money from the surplus firstborns and gave it to Aaron and his sons as Hashem commanded. It was a total sum of 1,365 Shekel.

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