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*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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- The Levite census, their jobs, leaders, and area of encampment:
- Hashem spoke to Moshe saying he should take a census of the Levites, counting them per family. Every male above the age of one month is to be counted. The following is the census of the families:
- Gershon: His sons were Livni and Shimi. Their total number of males above the age of one month was 7,500. They encamped behind the Mishkan, to the west. Their family leader was Eliasaf Ben Lael. They were entrusted with the job of [dismantling, carrying, and mantling] the Mishkan and Ohel tapestry coverings, the Chatzer curtains, entrance screen, and its rope.
- Kehos: His sons were Amram, Yitzhar, Chevron and Uzziel. Their total number of males above the age of one month was 8,600. They encamped on the side of the Mishkan, to the south. Their family leader was Elitzaphan Ben Uzziel. They were entrusted with the job of [dismantling, carrying, and mantling] the Aron, Shulchan, Menorah, Mizbeiach, holy vessels and the screen.
- The tribal leader of Levi: Elazar the son of Aaron was the tribal leader of the tribe of Levi.
- Merari: His sons were Machli and Mushi. Their total number of males above the age of one month was 6,200. Their family leader was Tzuriel Ben Avichayil. They encamped north of the Mishkan. They were entrusted with the job of [dismantling, carrying, and mantling] the beams of the Mishkan, its poles, pillars and sockets, and all its accessories. The pillars of the courtyard, their sockets, pegs and ropes.
- Moshe and Aaron: Moshe, Aaron and their sons encamped in front of the Mishkan, to the east. They guarded it from the Jewish people so no alien enter and die.
- Total Levite population: The total Levite population was 22,000 males above the age of one month [not including 300 Levites who were themselves firstborns].
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