Post Views: 406
- Bnei Yisrael realize they are under attack by the Egyptian army:
- The Egyptians gave chase after the Jewish people and caught up with them by Pi Hachiros near the sea.
- The reaction of the Jewish people: The Jewish people looked up in fright seeing Pharaoh and his army coming in on them. The Jewish people cried out to Hashem. They said to Moshe “Were there not enough graves in Egypt for you to take us out to die in the desert? Why did you take us out of Egypt? Did we not already tell you that we would rather continue in slavery than to die in the desert?
- Moshe’s response: Moshe said to the nation: “Do not fear, stand fast and you will see the salvation of G-d that he will do for you today. You will never see Egypt again. Hashem will fight for you and you shall remain silent.”
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