Daily Tanach, Wednesday: Shoftim Chapter 19-Part 1: Pilegesh Begivah-The rape and death of a concubine

Buy Now-The Tanach Summary Series * The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Chapter 19: Pilegesh Begivah-The rape and death of a concubine 1.      A Levite man attempts to retrieve his concubine […]

May a Kohen marry a Jewish girl who was born from a gentile father but Jewish mother?

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donatehttps://vimeo.com/175335056 Buy here or on Amazon.com May a Kohen marry a girl who has a gentile father but Jewish mother?[1] […]

Owning Non-Kosher food & the problem with leaving the Hafrashas Challah in ones freezer

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donatehttps://vimeo.com/130293272 Buy here or on Amazon.com May one own non-Kosher food in his home?[1] It is forbidden […]