May one go fishing on Chol Hamoed?[1] Commercial fishing and fishing for food purposes: It is permitted to go fishing during Chol Hamoed if one’s intent in doing so is to eat the fish during the Moed.[2] There is no limit as to how many fish one may catch, and […]
Summary of laws of Erev Pesach and The Seder
14. Erev Pesach: Taanis Bechoros-Fast of First Born: When: The fast of the first born sons takes place on Erev Pesach. Who? If one is a firstborn male for either the mother or the father he has to fast. This applies likewise to Levim and Kohanim. If one’s mother had […]
Sof Zman Achilas Chametz-When does it become prohibited to eat Chametz?
Sof Zman Achilas Chametz-When does it become prohibited to eat Chametz? The Biblical Sof Zman:[1] It is Biblically forbidden to eat Chametz[2] starting from midday [the start of the 7th hour of the day] of the 14th and onwards, throughout the seven days of Pesach, and one who does so […]
What is one to do if he accidentally said a blessing of Al Netilas Yadayim by Urchatz?
What is one to do if he accidentally said a blessing of Al Netilas Yadayim by Urchatz? Background: The reason for washing without a blessing prior to eating the Karpas dipped in salt water [i.e. Urchatz], is due to the general obligation to wash without a blessing prior to eating […]
Owning and benefiting from Kitniyus over Pesach, and on Shabbos after Pesach in Israel
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Owning and benefiting from Kitniyos?[1] Background regarding eating: The letter of the law:[2] Only the five grains which are 1) wheat, 2) barley; 3) rye, 4) spelt, 5) oats, can become leavened and become Chametz. All other grains/flours, such as […]
Pesach Barbecue-Does Charcoal require a Hashgacha for Pesach?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Pesach Barbecue-Does Charcoal require a Hashgacha for Pesach? Charcoal briquettes: Charcoal briquettes [square shaped manufactured charcoal, typically used for barbecues] are compressed together using a starch binder, most notably corn or wheat starch.[1] Accordingly, it is proper for one to […]
Must one Kosher his water urn to use on Pesach
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Must one Kosher his water urn to use on Pesach:[1] Water urns are to be Kashered for Pesach. In the following cases, this may be required from the letter of the law:[2] a) The urn was placed down while hot […]
Mechiras Chometz when traveling to different time zones
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Selling Chametz through a Rav within your time zone: One must be careful to sell his Chametz through a Rav who is located in his time zone and not in an earlier or later time zone. Selling the Chametz in […]
Medicine and vitamins-Must it be Kosher for Pesach
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Medicine: The letter of the law: Many medicines may contain Chametz ingredients and are included in the category of inedible Taaruvos Chametz, discussed in the previous Halacha, which may be owned but may not be consumed irrelevant of ratio of […]
Paper & plastic-ware, tablecloths, napkins, disposable gloves- Must they be Kosher for Pesach
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Paper & plastic-ware, tablecloths, napkins, disposable gloves- Must they be Kosher for Pesach Background on Starch:[1] Many paper products are made and coated with starch to act as a binder and add to their smoothness and softness. Starches come from […]