Not to make Kiddush during the seventh hour:[1] A. The Halacha: Some[2] are careful to avoid saying Kiddush during the first hour of the night[3], (which is during the 7th hour past midday).[4] Rather, they recite Kiddush either prior to nightfall, or after an hour into nightfall. It has already […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Making alterations to a borrowed item; 2) Collecting a loan if Peruzbal was not done
Question: [24th Elul, 5780] I borrowed a treadmill for long-term use and find that because it’s on an incline it causes back pain to use (this is a known problem). If I wanted to put something underneath the back of the treadmill to eliminate the incline, must I ask permission […]
Making a monetary claim against a parent or Rebbe
View Source sheet-For Members Only [Contact us if you need the code]! Taking one’s father or Rebbe to Beis Din:[1] It is permitted to take one’s father [or mother[2], or Rebbe[3]] to Beis Din to file a monetary claim against them. For example, if one’s father damaged one’s item, one may take […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Maaser money for secular study school supplies 2) Tzedaka for Yizkor; 3) Paskening before age 40
Question: [Wednesday, 12th Tishreiy 5781] May one use Maaser money for purchasing school supplies used during secular studies? Answer: Seemingly yes, as a) it assists the students in their education for purposes of future Parnasa and b) It is mandatory in schools of which lack thereof can force the […]
Buying baby items prior to birth
View Source sheet-For Members Only [Contact us if you need the code]! May one buy items for a child before he is born? It is permitted to purchase items for the future child prior to birth.[1] Nevertheless, some have the custom to abstain from doing so due to Ayin Hara.[2] One […]
Shemini Atzeres & Simchas Torah-Laws & Customs
Shemini Atzeres * Note for those in Eretz Yisrael: Those who keep only one day of Yom Tov [i.e. residents of Eretz Yisrael] fulfil the customs of Simchas Torah on Shemini Atzeres. See the next Chapter for the full details of the laws and customs of Simchas Torah. 1. Is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Watering plants on Chol Hamoed; 2) Writing list of reminders on Chol Hamoed; 3) Sewing a button on Chol Hamoed 4) Arava with missing leaves; 5) Not sure how many times I shook the Lulav; 6) Hallel and Hoshanos with microphone 7) Davening in house versus in Sukkah 8) Spitting by Aleinu in Sukkah 9) Shaking Lulav before Davening versus after Shemoneh Esrei when Davening alone at home.
Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781] I own two plants that are growing beautifully but need to be watered daily. May I do so on Chol Hamoed? Answer: Yes, you may do so to prevent damage of the plant. You may not add more water than necessary Sources: Michaber 537:1; Tur […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) How many Tzitzis strings are Biblically required 2) Cutting a plastic ziplock strap on Shabbos/Yom Tov 3) Xmass decorations in Sukkah 4) Dry Aravos 5) Women saying Hallel/Hoshanos with Daled Minim
Question: [Sunday, 16th Tishreiy 5780] My child was playing with plastic straps used for tying Sukkos, also known as plastic handcuffs, and closed it over her wrist. It is loose enough to not be of danger but I cant slide it off. May I cut it on Shabbos? Answer: […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Covid patient eating in Sukkah; Using rubber bands to tie Lulav; How to say Hallel with “Family Minyan”; Hoshanos by Covid Minyanim; Printing papers Chol Hamoed; Cutting nails Chol Hamoed; Purchasing jewelry Chol Hamoed
Question: [Friday, 14th Tishreiy 5780] I am unable to tie my Lulav using Lulav leaves. May I use other material such as a rubber band. Answer: Yes. Sources: See Admur 651:2-4 Question: [Sunday, 16th Tishreiy 5780] My child was playing with plastic straps used for tying […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1. Split Lulav 2. Bruise on Esrog 3. Lavud by beams of Sukkah 4. Hoshanos for Yachid
Question: [Thursday, 13th Tishreiy 5780] I ordered a Lulav and its leaves were split, including the middle leaf. Is it valid? Answer: If the middle leaf is split then the Lulav is Pasul. However, this only applies on the first day [two days in Dispora] of Sukkos, and therefore […]