אני מאורסת/Ani Meureset! The issue with using the term Eirusin for an engagement

May a Chasan, Kallah, and their acquaintances, use the term Eirusin in reference to their engagement? [i.e. אני מאורסת/Ani Meureset; Seudat Eirusin; Mesibat Eirusin, etc] Background: In the original Talmudic and Halachic definition, the term Eirusin, or Meureses, refers to a Halachic stage of actual marriage, in which the wife […]

Eating with bleeding gums

  Human blood:[1] Human blood is not Biblically forbidden in consumption due to the blood prohibition.[2] Nevertheless, it is [Rabbinically] forbidden to drink visible human blood which has separated from a human body due to Maaras Ayin. Blood on food after biting:[3] Due to the above, if one bit a […]