Answering Amen thru live hookup

May one answer Amen, Kaddish, Kedusha through a Telephone, radio, live video/audio internet hookup?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule one is not to answer Amen or Kedusha in such circumstances.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule one is to answer Amen and for Kaddish/Kedusha.[5] Practically, one may be lenient in this matter.[6] [If however there […]

Personal Requests by Shema Koleinu Part 2

Personal requests in Shema Koleinu-Part 2 Personal requests in Shema Koleinu:[1] Confessing and then requesting livelihood:[2] It is proper [based on Kabala] for one to confess [his personal sins[3]] in Shomeia Tefila using a singular wording [i.e. Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati[4]] and then request [money for] his sustenance. This applies even […]

Vesein Tal Umatar

Saying Vesein Tal Umatar Levaracha: A. When does one begin saying Vesein Tal Umatar?[1] Eretz Yisrael: Those who live in Eretz Yisrael begin saying Vesein Tal Umatar Levracha starting from Maariv of the 7th of MarCheshvon. Diaspora: Those living in the Diaspora begin saying Vesein Tal Umatar etc on the […]

Mashiv Haruach

Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem: What is the request of Mashiv Haruach?[1] The purpose of the prayer of Mashiv Haruach is not to request for rain. This request only begins in the month of Cheshvon with the request of Vesein Tal Umatar Levracha. It is rather an introductory prayer of appeasement […]