This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on *This video is from year 5774. Not all info is relevant for all years [i.e. Peruzbal/Eiruv Tavshilin] Checklist Some fast until Chatzos. Tachanun is not recited in Davening but it is said in Selichos. Perform Hataras […]
Eating and drinking before Davening on Rosh Hashanah & The law when it falls on Shabbos & drinking during Davening for Covid-19 Minyanim
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May one eat or drink prior to Shacharis or hearing Shofar, on Rosh Hashanah?[1] It is forbidden to eat a meal prior to hearing Shofar.[2] [Thus, since Shofar is blown after Shacharis, therefore even […]
Mivtza Shofar laws and guidelines with Covid-19 added laws
Mivtza Shofar Laws & Guidelines for blowing Shofar on Mivtzaim with emphasis on Covid-19 related laws The following Chapter is a compilation of the relevant laws that have been written throughout our sefer and website article which are especially applicable to Mivtzaim. For the full details on […]
Reciting a confession prayer [Viduiy] during Shofar blowing
Reciting a confessing [Viduiy] during Shofar blowing: Introduction:[1] We do not say the confession prayer on Rosh Hashanah. Furthermore, some[2] have the custom to omit the stanza of “Avinu Malkeinu Chatanu Lefanecha” from the Avinu Malkeinu prayer. This is done in order to avoid reciting confessions on Rosh Hashanah in […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Zoom Selichos? 2) Washing on Mezonos bread
Question: [Sunday 24th Elul, 5780] May I recite Selichos over a Zoom Minyan? Answer: Yes, assuming what you mean by a Zoom Minyan. If there is a Kosher Minyan of ten Jews together in one physical area, then in such a case you may recite the Yud Gimel Midos […]
Selichos in Elul-Detailed laws and customs
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Selichos in Elul A. On which days is Selichos recited?[1] Ashkenazim:[2] Selichos is recited for a minimum of four days prior to Rosh Hashanah.[3] Selichos is said starting from the Sunday [Motzei Shabbos, immediately after midnight[4]], […]
When to make Kiddush-Making Kiddush immediately upon arriving home
Making Kiddush as soon as one arrives home:[1] It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar[2] to recite Kiddush as close to the entrance of Shabbos as possible.[3] [This especially applies if one has hungry guests or family members waiting to start the meal.[4] It goes without saying that one should not […]
Should a blessing be recited when building a fence around a roof?
Should a blessing be recited when building a fence around a roof? Background: It is a positive command for a person to make a fence on his roof as it says in the verse[1] “And you shall make a fence for your roof.”[2] Anyone who leaves his roof without a […]
Shofar blowing when Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbos
The law of blowing Shofar when Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbos:[1] One does not blow Shofar on Rosh Hashanah that falls on Shabbos.[2] Is the Shofar Muktzah on this Shabbos?[3] The law regarding moving the Shofar on this Shabbos [on which Rosh Hashanah coincides with] is similar to the law […]
Covid-19 Davening alone instruction-Directives for one who is without a Minyan for Rosh Hashanah
This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office. Covid-19 Davening alone instruction Directives for one who is without a Minyan for Rosh Hashanah 1. Elul A. Blowing the Shofar: Some Poskim[1] rule that the institution to blow Shofar in the month of Elul was only established in the […]