From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Dyeing hair during The Three Weeks; 2) Ironed clothing during nine days 3) Removing half eaten pickle from jar on Shabbos

Question: [Thursday, 28th Tammuz 5781] Am I allowed to dye my hair during the three weeks?   Answer: Yes. However, some avoid doing so from the start of the 9 days.   Explanation: There is no recorded restriction against dyeing hair throughout the three weeks, nonetheless some avoid doing so […]

What is a Peruzbal?

What is a Peruzbal?[1] The Peruzbal is a process instituted by the Sages [for times when Shemitah is only Rabbinical[2]] which allows a loan to stay in effect even after the Shemitah year, and thus allows one to demand the debt to be paid back.[3] [The word Peruzbal means institution […]