Baking Challahs:[1] It is customary for every household to bake Challahs for Shabbos which are used for Lechem Mishneh and not to buy them at the bakery as is done during the week. This matter of baking one’s own Challah is included in the honoring of Shabbos and Yom Tov […]
Washing after haircut
A haircut:[1] [One who cuts his hair is required to wash his hands one[2] time immediately afterwards.[3] This applies even if he only cut a small amount of hair[4], and applies whether the hair was cut with a scissor or razor.[5]] If one does not wash his hands after cutting […]
When to get a haircut
Getting a haircut-when?[1] If one has long hair it is a Mitzvah to cut it [any day prior to Shabbos] in order so one not enter into Shabbos in disgrace. Furthermore, it is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to cut the hair specifically on Erev Shabbos and not beforehand.[2] If however […]
14 Mitzvos of a haircut
The Kavanos of a Haircut:[1] One is to intend upon getting a haircut that he is removing the powers of severity, and is fulfilling the Mitzvah of having Peiyos, and the Mitzvah of paying a worker for his job on the same day and the Mitzvah of honoring Yom Tov. […]
Trimming mustache
May one trim his mustache? Many Poskim[1] and Kaballists[2] rule that one is obligated to cut the mustache hairs that interfere with ones food.[3] Nevertheless, there are communities that are accustomed not to trim any facial hair, including the mustache hairs that interfere with food.[4] The Rebbe answered that with […]
Cutting Hair and Peiyos
What number haircut may one take in the area of his Peiyos? To how short may the hair in the area of the Peiyos be cut?[1] It is only forbidden to cut the hairs, in the area of the Peiyos, together with a razor.[2] However there are opinions[3] that […]
Customs of 10th
The Customs followed until midday of the tenth of Av Click here Customs of the tenth of Av to read the laws pertinent in todays shiur
The laws of Laundering clothing During the Nine days Click here Laundering clothing to read the laws covered in this Shiur.
The laws of Bathing during the nine days Click here The laws of Bathing and Showering to read the laws covered in this Shiur
Meat and Wine
Meat, poultry & Wine during the Nine Days Eating meat and poultry Drinking wine