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Yes, as a) two Yuds do not really have Kedusha. b) they certainly have no kedusha when written as part of a word and not for Hashems name.
See Rama Y.D. 276:10; Shach Y.D. 276:14; Pischeiy Teshuvah 276:16; Tashbeitz 1:177; Sdei Chemed Kuntrus Beir Besadaiy; Igros Moshe Y.D. 1:172; 2:138; Ginzei Hakodesh 7:10 and 28
I run a Kolel for Torah study in which the Torah students receive a stipend and I recently asked one of the members to leave due to constant clashes that I have with him in Torah relating subjects of which he does not subordinate himself to my opinion. He is a Torah scholar and argues with me in a nice way and is not Chutzpadik, but I just don’t need this type of person in my Kolel who constantly questions me. When I told him that he is not welcome anymore at the Kollel he said that I am not allowed to ask him to leave the middle of the Zeman, as he is not able to find another Kollel to join until the next Zeman. Who is correct?
He is correct. Absent of a real legitimate dereliction of duty on the part of the student, you may not ask him to leave the middle of the Zeman, or at the very least you may ask him to leave but must continue paying him a stipend until the next Zeman in order so he have a fair chance to enter another Kollel.
See Shevet Halevi 8:315; Darkei Choshen 13
Chassidus Articles
Halacha Articles
- Reciting the wrong blessing due to mistaken identity: If one begins reciting the wrong blessing because they misidentified the food, they should correct themselves immediately after realizing the mistake. If the mistake is discovered after saying “Baruch Ata Hashem,” they should conclude with the correct blessing. If the entire incorrect blessing is recited, they must correct it within the time it takes to say “Shalom Alecha Rebbe” to fulfill their obligation.
- Correcting the blessing after the allowed time: If the mistake is realized after the allowed time, and the item of the original blessing is in front of them, they do not need to repeat the blessing for that item but must repeat the correct blessing for the current food. For instance, if someone mistakenly blessed water as wine but had wine in front of them, the blessing still counts for the wine.
- Slip of the tongue during blessing recital: If one intended to recite the correct blessing but their tongue slipped, they must correct themselves within the time it takes to say “Shalom Alecha Rebbe” to fulfill their obligation. If corrected after this time, they do not fulfill their obligation.
Said wrong Bracha Rishona – Mistakes and Corrections
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