Kaparos-Laws and Q&A

​To browse our database on the laws and customs of Kaparos see here. ​ Kaparos:[1] A. The custom:[2] It is customary in these provinces [of Ashkenazi Jewry] to take and slaughter a chicken, which is called a Gever[3], for atonement on Erev Yom Kippur.[4] One takes a male chicken for each […]

Pirkei Avos

Reciting Pirkei Avos:[1] It is customary to recite Pirkei Avos on every Shabbos between Pesach and Shavuos.[2] Some are accustomed to continue reciting it after Shavuos, throughout the summer months, until Rosh Hashanah.[3] [Practically, the Chabad custom is to say Pirkei Avos until Rosh Hashanah.[4] On the Shabbosim which are […]