Vayehi Noam

Vayehi Noam:[1] The prayer of Vayehi Noam[2] is recited on Motzei Shabbos after Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv.[3] It is not recited when a Yom Tov falls out within the week as will be explained next. Omitting Vayehi Noam the Motzei Shabbos before a Yom Tov: [4] When Yom Tov or […]

The General laws

When to Daven Maariv:[1] It is accustomed to delay the Davening of Maariv [past the time of Tzeis Hakochavim[2]] in order to delay the leave of Shabbos. May one say Havdala and do Melacha prior to Maariv?[3] Once Shabbos has ended, which is when a row of three small stars […]

Doing Melacha on Motzei Shabbos prior to Maariv

Delaying Melacha until after Maariv:[1] In addition to waiting until three small consecutive stars are visible[2] and saying Havdalah in prayer or saying Baruch Hamavdil[3], every meticulous[4] person is to delay doing any [Biblical[5]] Melacha until the congregation has recited the Seder Kedusha [i.e. the entire paragraph of Veata Kadosh[6]] […]

Conclusion of Shabbos?

When is the conclusion of Shabbos and hence Melacha is permitted?[1] The conclusion of Shabbos which allows one to perform Melacha is dependent on three factors: The time of the night. Saying Havdala or Baruch Hamavdil. Conclusion of Maariv in Shul. Some are accustomed to further delay doing Melacha until […]

6. Shaking waste off from foods

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 6. Shaking waste off from foods: Shaking off the thin peel from the grains:[1] If one had kernels which were removed from before Shabbos from their stalks and are still mixed with their chaff[2] they may not be sifted […]