Three stages of lust

Three stages in intensity of lusts and its correspondence to the three partners of birth:Man’s years are split to three:[1] Man’s years are split to three periods in terms of his challenges in service of G-d due to forbidden lusts and pleasures. These three periods correspond to the three partners […]

Blessing over Breaded eggplant

Breaded eggplant: Breaded eggplant is typically made through coating a slice of eggplant with bread crumbs and then frying or baking. Its blessing follows the same law, as breaded Shnitzel which is under dispute amongst Poskim. Practically, the custom is to recite Shehakol over Schnitzel, and the same applies to […]

Blessing over Breaded Schnitzel [fish/chicken schnitzel]

Breaded Schnitzel [fish/chicken schnitzel]: Schnitzel is typically made through coating a slice of fish/chicken with bread crumbs or Matza meal. Some Poskim[1] rule its blessings is Shehakol.[2] Other Poskim[3] rule its blessing is Mezonos.[4] Practically, the custom is to recite Shehakol over Schnitzel.[5] If however, there is a large amount […]

Blessing on coated peanuts

Coated peanuts: Flour coated peanuts:[1] Coated peanuts are typically made through coating a peanut in a flour based dip and then baking them. One recites the blessing of Mezonos upon eating coated peanuts.[2] Chocolate/caramel/honey coated peanuts:[3] Chocolate/honey/caramel coated peanuts receive the blessing of Hadama.[4] _______________________________________________________________________________ [1] Vezos Habracha Beirurim 42 […]

The blessing on Onion rings

Blessing on onion rings [i.e. rings of onion coated with breadcrumbs]:[1] Onion rings are typically made through coating a ring of an onion in a flour-based dip, and then deep frying it. In addition to the flour-based dip, some also coat the ring with dry bread crumbs, hence adding a […]