Breaded Schnitzel [fish/chicken schnitzel]:
Schnitzel is typically made through coating a slice of fish/chicken with bread crumbs or Matza meal. Some Poskim[1] rule its blessings is Shehakol.[2] Other Poskim[3] rule its blessing is Mezonos.[4] Practically, the custom is to recite Shehakol over Schnitzel.[5] If however, there is a large amount of crumbs on the schnitzel which forms a thick layer over the chicken/fish and is intended to be eaten also for its own sake, then a blessing of Mezonos is recited.[6]
[1] Cheishev Haeifod 3/72; Beir Moshe 5/61; Shevet Halevi 4/161; 6/24; Lehoros Nasan 4/9; Piskeiy Teshuvos 208/6; Sefer Viten Bracha 4/G2 [p. 78] in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein and other Gedolei Harabbanim
[2] The reason: As the bread crumbs are not placed to give taste but rather so the fish/chicken has a nice look and does not condense during the cooking and does not stick to the frying pan. It is not placed to give taste to the food or for satiating purposes, and hence is not considered an Ikkur even if it actually gives taste. [Poskim ibid; See Peri Toar Y.D. 113/14]
[3] Sefer Viten Bracha 4/G2 [p. 78] in name of Rav Elyashiv; Luach Rav Elyashvili
[4] The reason: As all mixtures that contain a Mezonos ingredient for purposes of taste or satiation receive the blessing of Mezonos even if they are not the main ingredient. [Admur 208/1; Seder 3/2; Luach 4/2; Michaber 208/2; Brachos 36b] Now, certainly the bread crumbs are placed also for their taste. See Ginas Veradim 1/22 for a similar ruling
[5] Luach of Rav Prus; Luach in Seder Bircahas Hanehnin English
[6] Sefer Viten Bracha 4/G2 [p. 78] in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein and other Gedolei Harabbanim; Luach of Rav Prus; See Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 57 that one is to remove some of the coating and say Mezonos, and then remove a piece of chicken from the coating and say Shehakol.
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