Informing of a medical condition by Shidduchim

Question: [Tuesday, 28th Adar 5783] Our child who is now of Shidduchim age had suffered in the past from a certain medical condition. Am I required to inform the matchmaker, or other side, when my child is set up, of this past medical condition or not? I do fear that […]

Chapter 15: Marriage related Hazards

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Chapter 15: Marriage related Hazards 1. Who to marry: A. Marrying a person with a family history of health issues:[1] [Shulchan Aruch] One is to abstain from marrying an individual with a family history of health problems. Genetic testing:[2] Based […]

Chapter 14: Cemetery related Hazards

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Chapter 14: Cemetery related Hazards *For the full details of laws relating to a cemetery in general and the hazards related to it in particular, please refer to our corresponding Sefer “The laws of Mourning” Vol. 2 Chapters 31 available […]

Opening an umbrella inside a house

Question: [Monday, 26th Adar 5783] I’ve always been told to be careful not to open an umbrella inside one’s house and only to open it once you are outside otherwise it brings very bad luck for marriage and for the wedding and other things? The other day it was pouring […]