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Wednesday, 5th Iyar 5783/April 26, 2023
Parshas Acharei Mos Kedoshim
Revi’i when connected to Kedoshim
- Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. It is an abomination.
- A man may not lie with an animal.
- A woman may not lie with an animal.
1. A warning to keep the land pure and not be expelled:
- Do not impurify your souls with all the above, as the gentiles who I am expelling became impure with them. They defiled the land and it vomited its inhabitants. You, however, shall guard yourselves from all of this, and not perform any of these abominations. Don’t cause the land to vomit you out due to your defilement as it did to the nations before you.
- Punishment of excision: Anyone who performs any of the above abominations shall be cut off from the Jewish people.
Parshas Kedoshim
2. List of Mitzvos:
Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, tell the Jewish people the following commands:
- Be Holy, as I am holy.
- Fear your father and mother.
- Guard Shabbos.
- Don’t go after idolatry and don’t make idols.
- Sacrifices: When you sacrifice a Shelamim offering to Hashem, do so with proper thoughts to appease Hashem. Eat the meat of the sacrifice that day and the next day, and any leftover on the 3rd day is to be burnt. Don’t eat any leftover [i.e. Nosar]. One who eats the meat on the 3rd day [i.e. Nosar] receives Kareis as he has defiled the sacred to Hashem, and his soul shall therefore be cut off from its people.
- Harvest: When you harvest your field do not to take the corner of the field. Do not take the Leket, the fallen stalks, of the field. Do not take the Olalos [young grapes] of your vineyard. Do not to take the Peret [fallen grapes] of the vineyard. Rather, it is to be left to the poor and converts.
- Stealing: Do not steal [discreetly]. Do not deny money that you owe to your friend. Do not swear falsely on money that you owe. Do not to swear falsely using My name. One who does so has desecrated the name of Hashem. Do not cheat your friend [by withholding his wages]. Do not rob a person. Do not delay the payment of a worker past morning.
- Do not curse the deaf.
- Do not place a stumbling block in front of the blind.
- Fear Hashem.
Tanya middle of Chapter 44
- The above two loves attain a status even higher than intellectual love and fear:
- The above two loves [a) love for Hashem who is one’s life, and love for Hashem who is one’s father] although they are both an inheritance from our forefathers, and have become like a nature within our souls, nevertheless they are not considered like natural love and fear. [Rather, they are considered similar to the intellectual love and fear of Hashem, as will be explained.]
- Natural love is not consciously revealed in the heart-Goes to Yetzira: The reason for this is because a natural love is only defined as such if remains within one’s mind alone and is not consciously revealed within the heart, and rather remains there in a concealed state. Such natural love can only be elevated to the ten Sefiros of the world of Yetzira, to which it brings the Torah and Mitzvos that were performed with this love.
- Intellectual love is in Beriyah: Rather, the above two loves when they are revealed within the person, are considered similar to intellectual love, and is called by the Zohar “Reusa Deliba.” Such love is elevated to the ten Sefiros of the world of Beriyah, to which it brings the Torah and Mitzvos that were performed with this love.
- The reason: The reason that the above natural loves are considered intellectual is because it takes deep intense and lengthy contemplation from the depths of the heart on the infinite light of G-d, and how He is truly our life and father, to bring it into a state of consciousness and revelation within the person. Now, the Zohar states that Binah, which is the understanding of the heart and contemplation of G-d, rests in Beriyah, [and hence this is the natural place for the above natural love].
- Includes Ahava Raba: The above two loves include within them the levels of love known as Ahavas Raba.
- Higher than Ahavas Olam: Furthermore, the above two loves are even higher and greater than regular Ahavas Olam, which is an intellectual love.
Rambam, Minyan Hamitzvos
The positive commands:
- The first of the positive commands is to know that there is a G-d.
- To unify Him.
- To love Him.
- To fear Him.
- To pray to Him.
- To attach to Him.
- To swear using Him name.
- To act like Him in a good manner.
- To sanctify His name.
- To read Shema twice a day.
- To learn and teach Torah.
- To wear the head Tefillin.
- To wear the hand Tefillin.
- To tie Tzitzis.
- To put up a Mezuzah.
- To gather the nation to hear Torah.
- For every man to write a Sefer Torah
- For the king to write a Sefer Torah.
- To say a blessing after eating.
- To build the Temple.
- To fear the Temple.
- To guard the Temple.
- For the Levi to serve in the Temple.
- For the Kohen to sanctify his hands and feet.
- To set up candles in the Mikdash.
- For Kohanim to bless the Jewish people.
- To set up the Lechem Hapanim on the table.
- To offer Ketores twice a day.
- To place fire onto the Olah altar,
- To remove the ash from the altar.
- To banish the impure from the Temple.
- To show respect to the descendants of Araon.
- For the Kohanim to wear Bigdei Kehuna.
- To carry the Aron on the shoulders.
- To anoint the high priest and kings.
- For the Kohanim to serve in the Temple.
- For Kohanim to defile themselves to their relatives who have passed away.
- For the Kohen Gadol to marry a Besula.
- To offer the Tamid offering daily.
- For the Kohen Gadol to offer a Mincha daily.
- To bring the extra Shabbos offering.
- To bring the extra Rosh Chodesh offering.
- To bring the extra Pesach offering.
- To bring the Omer offering the day after Pesach.
- To bring the extra Shavuos offering.
- To bring the Shtei Halechem offering.
- To bring the extra Rosh Hashanah offering.
- To bring the extra Yom Kippur offering.
- To perform the Yom Kippur Avoda.
- To bring the extra Sukkos offering.
- To bring the extra Shemini Atzeres offering.
- To guard the festivals.
- To make a pilgrimage on the festivals.
- To rejoice on the festivals.
- To slaughter the Pesach lamb.
- To roast and eat the Pesach lamb on the night of the 15th.
- To perform the Pesach Sheiyni.
- To eat the meat of the Pesach Sheiyni.
- To blow the trumpets when offering Karbanos, and during suffering.
- To only bring offerings who are eight days old.
- For the offerings to be unblemished.
- To salt the offerings.
- To perform the Olah offering.
- To perform the Chatas offering.
- To perform the Asham offering.
- To perform the Shelamim offering.
- To perform the Mincha.
- For Beis Din to offer a sacrifice if they errored in their ruling.
- For an individual to bring a Chatas offering for a sin committed by error.
- For an individual to bring an Asham Taloiy offering for a questionable sin committed by error.
- For an individual to bring an Aasham offering for a sin of Meila or stealing, or Shifcha Charufa.
- For an individual to bring a Olah Veyored offering for the above sins if he cant afford it.
- To confess one’s sins before G-d.
- For a Zav to bring his offerings after he is purified.
- For a Zava to bring her offerings after she is purified.
- For a Yoledes to bring her offerings after she is purified.
- For a Mtzorah to bring his offerings after he is purified.
- To tithe animals.
- To sanctify the firstborn animals.
- To redeem the firstborn son.
- To redeem the firstborn donkey.
- To break the neck of the firstborn donkey.
- To bring all of one’s pledged offerings on the first Holiday that approaches.
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