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Wednesday, 12th Iyar 5783/May 3, 2023
Parshas Emor
- The Moadim-Jewish Holidays:
- Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, tell the Jewish people that these are my festivals which are to be a calling of holiness:
- Shabbos: One is to work for six days and on the seventh day it is a complete day of rest. It is a calling of Holiness; one is not to do any work in all your settled places.
- Pesach: On the 14th of Nissan, it is a Pesach for Hashem [and a Karban is to be brought]. On the 15th of the month, it is Chag Hamatzos for Hashem. Matzos are to be eaten for seven days. One may not do any laborous work on the first day and seventh day. Karbanos are to be brought throughout the seven days.
- Karban Omer: After entering Eretz Yisrael and harvesting the land, the Omer, which is the first of the harvest season, is to be brought to the Kohen. The Omer is to be waved before Hashem on the 16th of Nissan. On that day of the waving, an unblemished sheep is to be offered to G-d as an Olah. Its Mincha of two tenth-ephahs of fine flour mixed with oil and its Nesachim [i.e. poured-offering] of ¼ of a Hin of wine is to accompany the Karban.
- Chadash: One may not eat the new bread, parched grain, and plumped grain, until the Omer offering is brought.
- Sefiras Haomer: Count for yourselves seven weeks starting from when the Omer is offered. Count for 50 days.
- Shavuos Karbanos: On the 50th day of count, a new Mincha is to be offered. From your settlements you are to bring two breads of elevation, made from Chametz, each bread is made of two tenth-ephahs of flour. It is a Bikurim to Hashem. It is to be accompanied by seven unblemished lambs in their first year, one young male calf, and two rams as an Olah. A single goat is to be brought as a Chatas, as well as two lambs of a year old as a Shelamim. The Kohen is to waive the two sheep upon the bread Bikurim, a waving before Hashem. That day is to be a day of Holiness. No laborious work may be done as a law for all generations.
- Mitzvah of Leket, Shichicha, Peia: Upon harvesting the field, one is not to completely remove the corner of the field and the Leket of your harvest is not to be gathered. It is to be left to the poor and the converts.
Tanya End of Chapter 46
1. Like an animal who is not conscious of love and unity:
- The prophecy of Asaf: Asaf recited a prophecy in which he refers to the Jewish people as animals, and states of the Jewish people that they consider themselves foolish and beasts in front of G-d, even though they remain continuously faithful to G-d.
- The meaning of the statement: This statement means to say that exile the Jewish people are like beasts, as although they are united with G-d, they do not feel this unity within their soul and are not consciously aware of it.
- The conscious effect of the unity by Tzaddikim: By Tzaddikim who have refined their bodies, when they experience the unity with G-d they actually first feel a great fear and trepidation, and then feel a pleasure filled love, or a passionate love.
- A lack of Daas: However, the general soles of the Jewish people during exile lack the attribute of Daas, which is the ability to consciously feel things within the soul, including the feelings of Chesed and Gevura.
- The unity occurs despite the lack of Daas: Although the Jewish soldier exile does not have the attribute of Daas to consciously feel the unity with G-d, nevertheless, this does not prevent the unity of one soul with the infinite light of G-d from taking place, as the verse states that even darkness does not conceal from G-d.
2. The reason for the severity of sin on every Jew:
- Based on the above one can understand why the performance of the sin of performing work on Shabbos and eating Chametz on Pesach has such a grave effect on the souls of all Jews, and thereby receive such great punishment. The reason for this is because even the soul of a complete ignoramus receives the divine light and holiness of Shabbos and Yom Tov, and he is therefore charged with excision and stoning for desecrating this holiness that shines in the soul on these days.
- Even the eating of a small amount of Chametz or the moving of Muktzah blemishes the holiness that rests on of the soul, just as it would blemish the holiness that rests on the soul of a tzaddik, as we all have one single Torah.
3. All souls are really like animals before G-d:
- The reason that the verse in the prophecy of Asaf states the word animals in plural is to hint to the idea that before G-d everyone is considered like a beast, even those who have souls that contain the aspect of Daas Elyon and experience love and fear, nonetheless, even they are considered like beasts before the infinite light of G-d.
1. The book of Taharah:
- Number of subjects in book: Eight.
- The laws of impurity of a corpse.
- The laws of the red-Heifer.
- The laws of leprosy.
- The laws of impurity imparted on a bed and seat.
- The laws of other major categories of impurity.
- The laws of impurity relating to foods.
- Laws of impurity relating to vessels.
- The laws of a Mikveh.
A. Hilchos Tumas Meis-The laws of impurity of a corpse
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- The laws relating to the impurity of a corpse.
B. Hilchos Parah Aduma-The laws of the red Heifer
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Two positive command.
- The laws relating to the red heifer.
- The laws relating to purifying a person using the sprinkling waters.
C. Hilchos Tumas Tzara’as-The laws of leprosy
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Eight commands. Six positive commands, and two negative comments.
- To follow the laws of leprosy written in the Torah.
- Not to cut the leprosy off the body.
- Not to shave the hair off a bald spot leper.
- For a leper to tear his clothing, and allow his hair to grow long, and cover his head.
- To purify a leper.
- For the leper to shave all the hair off his body.
- The laws of leprosy and clothing.
- The laws of leprosy on a home.
D. Hilchos Mitamei Mishkav Umoshav-The laws of impurity on beds and seats
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Four positive command.
- The impurity of a Nidda.
- The impurity of a woman after birth
- The impurity of a Zavah.
- The impurity of a Zav.
E. Hilchos Shaar Avos Hatuma-The laws of other major categories of impurity
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Three positive command.
- The impurity of a carcass.
- The impurity of a Sheretz.
- The impurity of semen.
- The rabbinical impurity of idolatry
F. Hilchos Tumas Ochlin-The laws of impurity relating to foods
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- The impurity that’s contracted by food and drink.
G. Hilchos Keilim-The laws of impurity relating to vessels
- The purpose of these laws is to clarify which vessels receive impurity which do not.
H. Hilchos Mikvaos-The laws of Mikvaos
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- For an impure person to immerse in the waters of a mikvah.
The total amount of commands in this book are 20, which include 18 positive commands and two negative commands.
2. The book of Nezikin:
- Number of subjects in book: Five.
- The laws of property damage.
- The laws of stealing.
- The laws of robbery.
- The laws of bodily injury.
- The laws of murder and guarding one’s soul.
A. Hilchos Nizkei Mamon-The laws of monetary damages
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Four positive command.
- The law of a goring ox.
- The law of the grazing animal.
- The law of the pit.
- The law of a fire.
B. Hilchos Gineiva-The laws of theft
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Seven commands. Five positive commands and two negative commands
- Not to steal money.
- The law of the thief.
- To have proper scales and weights.
- Not to do injustice with weights and scales.
- Not to own incorrect weights and scales.
- Not to infringe another person’s property.
- Not to kidnap a person.
C. Hilchos Gezeila Viaveida-The laws of robbery and lost objects
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Seven commands. Two positive commands and five negative commands.
- Not to rob.
- Not to withhold payment.
- Not to covet an item of another.
- Not the desire an item of another.
- To return a stolen object.
- Not to ignore a lost object.
- To return a lost object.
D. Hilchos Chovel Umazik-The laws of bodily injury
- Number of mitzvah’s included: One positive command.
- One who injures his friend or damages his friends property.
E. Hilchos Rotzeiach Ushemiras Hanefesh-The laws of murder and protection of life
- Number of mitzvah’s included: Seventeen commands. Seven positive commands and ten negative commands.
- Not to murder.
- Not to take money to redeem a murder.
- To exile an inadvertent murder.
- Not to take money to redeem an inadvertent murder.
- Not to kill the murderer prior to trial.
- To save the life of one who is being chased even by killing the person chasing him.
- Not to show any mercy to one who is pursuing someone.
- Not to stand idle when another person’s blood is being spilled.
- To prepare cities of refuge.
- To break the neck of the calf by the river.
- Not to work in the ground where the calf was killed.
- Not to allow dangerous situations.
- To put up a guardrail.
- Not to place a stumbling block before the innocent.
- To help unload an animal.
- To help load an animal.
- Not to leave him distraught with the burden on the road
This book contains a total of 36 mitzvah’s, 16 positive commands of 20 negative commands.
3. The book of Kinyan:
- Number of subjects in book: Five.
- The laws of sales.
- The laws of gifts.
- The laws of neighbors.
- The laws of agents.
- The laws of slaves.
4. The book of Mishpatim:
- Number of subjects in book: Five.
- The laws of employees.
- The laws of custodians and borrowers.
- The laws of loans.
- The laws of claims.
- The laws of inheritance.
5. The book of Shoftim:
- Number of subjects in book: Five.
- The laws of the Supreme Court.
- The laws of witnesses.
- The laws of a rebel.
- The laws of mourning.
- The laws of Kings and wars.
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