Sunday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [19th Adar 5783]

Sunday, 19th Adar 5783/March 12, 2023


Parshas Vayakhel-Pikudei-Rishon

  1. Keeping Shabbos:
  • Moshe gathered the entire Jewish people and told them that Hashem commanded as follows: For six days a week you shall perform work and on the seventh day it shall be a complete day of rest for Hashem. Whoever does Melacha shall be put to death. You shall not light a fire in all your dwelling places on Shabbos.


  1. Moshe commands Bnei Yisrael regarding the Mishkan:
  • The materials needed: Moshe told the Jewish people saying that Hashem commanded them the following: Every person of generous heart is to give a donation. The following donations are needed:
    • Gold,
    • Silver,
    • Copper,
    • Techeiles Turquoise wool,
    • Argamon Purple wool,
    • Scarlet wool,
    • Linen,
    • Goat hair,
    • Red dyed ram skins,
    • Tachash skins,
    • Shittim-Acacia wood.
    • Oil for lighting
    • Spices for the anointing oil and Ketores incense.
    • Shoham stones
    • Filling stones for the Eiphod and Choshen.


  • The items needed to be made: Every skilled individual is to come and make everything that Hashem commanded, which includes the following items:
    • The Mishkan: The Mishkan, its tent covering, and its accessories which include its hooks, beams, bars, pillars and sockets.
    • Aron: The Aron and its accessories which include its poles and covering.
    • The Shulchan: The Shulchan, its poles, and all of its accessories, including the Lechem Hapanim.
    • The Menorah: The Menorah and its accessories, including its lamps and oil.
    • The Ketores altar: The Ketores altar, its poles, anointing oil, Ketores, and entrance screen.
    • The Olah altar: The Olah altar, its copper netting, its poles, and all of its accessories.
    • Kiyor: The Kiyor, and its accessories.
    • The courtyard: The curtains of the courtyard, its pillars, sockets and the entrance screen. The pegs of the Mishkan and courtyard and their cords.
    • The priestly garments.
  • After hearing the above commands, the Jewish people left Moshe’s presence.



  1. The donations come in:
  • Those of generous heart came and donated towards the Mishkan. Both men and women donated. They brought gold jewelry such as bracelets, nose rings, rings, Kumaz. Whoever had Techeiles-Turquoise, Argamon-purple, and scarlet wool donated it. Whoever had the ram skins and Techashim skins donated it. People brought silver and copper. Whoever had acacia-shittim wood, brought it. Women spun yarn of the different types of wool mention above, and donated it. The leaders donated the precious stones, the Avnei Shoham and Avnei Miluim for the Eiphod and for the Choshen, and the spices and oil for the lighting and for the anointing oil and the Ketores.

Tanya Middle of Chapter 35

1. Torah learning draws the divine presence onto one’s G-dly soul:

  • The thought and speech of the G-d of the soul are incorporated within G-d: When a person learns the Torah of Hashem, then his G-dly soul together with both of its inner garments, which are speech and thought, are incorporated within the infinite light of G-d and unite with it in a complete unity.
  • The divine presence rests on the person when he learns Torah: Thus, the learning of Torah is one of the ways of fueling the divine presence to remain residing on one’s G-dly soul, as a sages state that if even one person sits and learns Torah the divine presence is with him.


2. The mitzvah’s draw the divine presence to one’s body:

  • In order to draw down the divine light of the divine presence also onto the body and animal soul which is invested within the body, one needs to fulfill the practical mitzvah’s which are done with the physical body.
  • The reason it has this effect: During the fulfillment of a mitzvah the energy of the body is involved in the action which causes it to be incorporated within the light of G-d and His will, and it thus becomes united with G-d in a complete unity.
  • The third garment of the G-dly soul: This is the third garment of the G-dly soul [which becomes incorporated within G-d through the fulfillment of the physical mitzvah’s.]


3. Uniting the animal soul with G-d just like the G-dly soul:

  • When one fulfills the physical commands, then also the animal soul that is in the body and comes from Kelipas Nogah becomes transformed from evil to good and becomes incorporated in actual holiness, just like the G-dly soul, being that it is the animal soul that is doing the action of the mitzvah.


4. The G-dly soul alone cannot affect the divine presence to rest on the body:

  • Without the animal soul, the G-dly soul would be completely ineffective of doing anything to the body or with the body, being that it is spiritual while the body is physical and corporeal.
  • Animal soul is medium to connect the body and G-dly soul: The animal soul which enlivens the body and is invested within its blood serves as the medium to connect the G-dly soul to the body and allow it to affect the body.


5. The essence of the animal soul still retains its aspect of evil:

  • Despite the above, the essence of the animal soul which is in the heart still contains its bad character traits, and is not incorporated within holiness. 

Rambam, Hilchos Eidus, Chapter 14: 

Chapter 14: scenarios in which an invalid witness becomes valid

Halacha 1: The status of a spouse invalidation after the death of the wife

· A man who was invalid for testimony on one’s behalf due to being a husband of one’s relative, becomes revalidated after his wife, who is one’s relative, passes away.

· This applies even if the couple had children together.

Halacha 2: The status of one who witnessed the testimony prior to his invalidation

· By relatives: A person who witnessed a certain matter which requires testimony prior to becoming one’s relative, and then became one’s relative such as one’s son-in-law, is nonetheless invalid.

· However, after this witnesses wife passes away and he is no longer his son-in-law, then he is reinstated to his validity to testify.

·  By disabilities: Likewise, if a person was mentally sane at the time that he witnessed the testimony, and then became a deaf-mute or became insane, was able to see and then became blind, nevertheless he is invalid. If, however, he returns to a state of sanity, and sight, then his validity to testify is reinstated.

· The rule is as follows: So long as one witnessed the testimony while valid, and is now testifying while valid, then it his testimony is acceptable even though he went through a state of invalidation in the interim. However, if the witnessing of the testimony or the actual testimony is in a time of invalidation, then the testimony is invalid.

· Testifying on testimony that one witnessed as a child: From the above it’s understood that one cannot testify as an adult regarding something he witnessed as a child.

Halacha 3: Cases in which it is valid to testify regarding matters that one witnessed as a child.

· By rabbinical related matters, it is valid for an adult to testify regarding something that he witnessed as a child. The following are a list of cases in which such testimony is acceptable:

1) Signatures: One can testify regarding his father’s, or teachers, or brothers’ signature which he witnessed as a child, being that the validation of a document is only rabbinical required.

2) Kesuba and Besula: One can testify regarding a woman that she was a virgin when she got married, based on that as a child he saw her wedding take place as is customary for virgins. The reason for this is because majority of women are virgins when they get married, and the Kesuba is only rabbinical required.

3) Beis Haperas cemetery: One can testify to knowledge that he attained while still a child regarding an area having the status of a Beis Haperas cemetery.

4) Techum Shabbos: One can testify regarding the distance of Techum Shabbos that as a child he witnessed being followed.

5) Kohen: One can testify that as a child he saw a certain individual act as a Kohen, in order to allow them to eat rabbinical Teruma.

6) Lineage: One can testify as to the lineage of an individual who is a Kohen, and as to whether he is a valid Kohen or an invalid Kohen, as he heard it from his father when he was a child.

Halacha 4: A convert testifying on testimony he witnessed prior to conversion

· A convert testifying on testimony he witnessed prior to conversion has the same laws as an adult testifying on testimony he witnessed as a child, both for validation and invalidation.

Halacha 5: Validating the signature of a witness who became invalid

· Became a Rasha: If a valid witness signed a document and then became invalid either due to transgression of a sin, such as stealing, or due to becoming a relative of the person, such as his son-in-law, that they not only can he no longer testify to his signature, but even another two witnesses cannot can testify to it, and hence the only way to validate the document is if the court can establish the signature from previously signed documents, which were signed prior to his transgression.

· Becoming a relative: If a valid witness signed a document and then became invalid either due to transgression of a sin, such as stealing, or due to becoming a relative of the person, such as his son-in-law, that although he can no longer testify to his signature, another two witnesses can testify to it, and hence validate the document.

Halacha 6: The status of the document that was signed by invalid witnesses but witnessed by valid witnesses

· If two witnesses sign on a document and one of the witnesses is invalid due to being a Rasha, then the document is invalid even if two valid witnesses witnessed the handing over of the document to the other party.

· The same applies if both signatories were relatives of each other.

Halacha 7: Relative invalidation of witnesses who signed on a document with many recipients

· If the witnesses which signed on the document are a relative of one of the parties, then they become invalid for both parties, if the matter is considered a single testimony.

· For example, if they signed that an individual agreed to give half of one’s assets to two different people, and these signatories are a relative of one of the recipients, then the document is invalid for both recipients.

· If, however, there are two testimonies written on the document, then even if the signatories are found to be a relative of one of these parties of transactions, they remain valid for the other parties of transactions.

· For example, if the document states that an individual agreed to give one present to one individual and another present to another individual, and it is found that the signatories are relatives of one of the recipients, then the other recipient still maintains a valid document. 

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