Kosher for Pesach products, Kitniyus, Medicines

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Kosher for Pesach foods and products:

A.  The definition of a Kosher for Pesach product:

  • A Kosher for Pesach product refers to a food that is permitted to be eaten on Pesach without any suspicion of Chametz or Kitniyos. If a dish was made without intention to eat on Pesach then is forbidden to be eaten on Pesach, as there is a suspicion that perhaps Chametz fell inside.


B. Not to use Kosher for Pesach foods which one used for Chametz foods:

  • Some are accustomed to be stringent to not use foods which have been opened and used for Chametz meals, even if they were careful to only use non-Chametz utensils, as perhaps one returned the food that was leftover from a meal back into the original container, and at times this food may have in it crumbs of Chametz. However, in places that it is difficult to get a replacement of that food easily, then people are not accustomed to be stringent.


C. From what time on Erev Pesach must one be careful to only eat Kosher for Pesach products?

  • One must be careful to only eat Kosher for Pesach products beginning from the 5th hour of the day of the 14th.



At what time must Ashkenazim stop eating Matzah Ashira [egg Matzah]?

Some Poskim rule that even according to Ashkenazim one may eat Matzah Ashira [egg Matzah] until midday. However practically the custom is to avoid eating Matzah Ashira beginning from the time that one must stop eating Chametz, which is the beginning of the 5th hour.


From what time are those that are accustomed to not eat processed foods to begin their stringency? From the night of Pesach or from 5th hour of Erev Pesach?

One is to avoid eating these foods starting from the 5th hour of the day. However, many are lenient to eat processed foods up until the night of Pesach.


From what time are those that are accustomed to not eat spices or unpeeled foods to begin their stringency? From the night of Pesach or from 5th hour of Erev Pesach?

One is to avoid eating these foods starting from the 5th hour of the day. However, many are lenient to eat these foods up until the night of Pesach.


D. Must Non-edible products be Kosher for Pesach?

  • Non-edible products that contain Chametz may be owned and benefited from throughout Peach.
  • Chametz ink: One may write with a pen that contains Chametz ink.



May one own cosmetics, shoe polish, soap, gas, cleaning alcohol, medicines on Pesach, if they contain Chametz?



May non-edible Chametz products be used on the body?

Some Poskim rule that smearing is similar to drinking, and hence just as one may not eat non-edible Chametz products, similarly one may not smear them on his body. Other Poskim rule it is completely permitted. Practically, the widespread custom is to be lenient, although many are stringent in this matter.


May one use non-Kosher for Pesach deodorant and perfume, facial creams, oils, and cosmetics?

Yes. However, many are stringent today in this matter. 


May one own or use Play dough/Play-doh:

Play-doh is made up of actual Chametz. It is made of flour water and food coloring. It must be destroyed before Pesach or sold to a gentile. If one did not do so then he is to destroy it on Pesach as soon as he remembers. Nevertheless, a blessing is not recited upon destroying it. If one sold his Chametz then the play dough is to be placed in the area sold to the gentile.


May one lick the back of stamps and envelopes which have a suspicion of containing Chametz ingredients on its glue part?

Some Poskim write against doing so.


Does lip stick need a Kashrus verification for Pesach use?

Many are stringent in this matter.

Does chap stick need a Kashrus verification for Pesach use?

Many are stringent in this matter.

Vaseline:[1] The Vaseline company made 100% petroleum jelly does not require a Hashgacha for Pesach as it does not contain any other ingredient. [The flavored Vaseline’s would require a Hashgacha for those who are stringent.


May one use non-Kosher for Pesach detergent to clean his clothing?

Yes, as the detergent is not edible and even if it falls into one’s food one has no intention to eat it.

May one use non-Kosher for Pesach cleaning sprays and soap for ones floor?


May one use non-Kosher for Pesach dish soap for washing dishes and cutlery?

From the letter of the law, one may use Chametz soap for his dishes and cutlery being that the soap is not fit for eating, and even if some of it gets on the food it’s not a problem being that one does not have intention to eat it. Nevertheless, the custom is to be stringent to purchase Kosher for Pesach soap.

May one use or own pure Chametz alcohol?

No. If, however, it is not pure alcohol one may use it.


May one use or own non-Kosher for Pesach medicinal creams?

Yes. This may be done according to all.

May one smoke cigarettes which have their Tabaco or rolling paper coated with Chametz?


May one eat on non-Kosher for Pesach plastic/paper plates and cuttlery?

Plastic plates and cutlery may be used. Paper plates are to be avoided due to worry that a Chametz starch was used.

Do napkins, paper towels and the like require a Kashrus verification for Pesach use?


May one use non-Kosher for Pesach Styrofoam plate?

Yes, all types may be used.

May one use eardrops/eye drops/or other medical ointments?

Yes, it may be used according to all.

May one use non-Kosher for Pesach toothpaste/mouthwash?

From the letter of the law, it may be used. However, many are stringent today in this matter, especially if flavored, as is done for children. 


Does Dental floss require a Hashgacha for Pesach?

No, unless it is flavored.

Medicine & Vitamins

May one take non-Kosher for Pesach medicines?

Chewable or syrups: No. A Kosher for Pesach alternative is to be found, or one is to contact a Rav.

Swallow-able pills: Yes, if one is sick or in pain one may take swallow able medicines even if they are not Kosher for Pesach. If however the pill contains a tasty coating, it is to have a Kosher for Pesach Hashgacha.


A full English and Hebrew Medicine list can be found on the Clalit website:

תרופות כשרות לפסח 2023 | שירותי בריאות כללית (


May one eat medicines which contain Kitniyos?

There is no need to be stringent to avoid taking medicines which contain Kitniyos.


May one take non-Kosher for Pesach vitamins?

No. A full Kosher for Pesach vitamin list can be found in the Madrich of the Eida Hachareidis.


E. Kitniyos:

  • The custom in these provinces is to not eat Kitniyos on Pesach. The reason behind this custom is because if kitnoyos were to be allowed to be cooked and eaten then the laymen would come to think that even heat/spelt/rye/oats/barley kernels is permitted to be cooked and eaten.
  • The definition of Kitnoyos: Based on the reason mentioned above, only legumes are forbidden due to the custom, being that they are similar when cooked, to the cooking of the 5 grains. However, seeds are not forbidden according to the custom, being that they are not similar to grains. This however is with exception to mustard being that it grows in stalks similar to legumes, and with exception to cumin which is similar to wheat. However, cumin which is not similar to wheat, there is no custom to forbid. All types of vegetables may be used as they are not similar to grains.
  • List of Kitniyos? Corn, Rice, Buckwheat, beans including soy, lentils, sesame, mustard, Millet, chickpeas, Peas, String beans, grouts, sun flour seeds, poppy seeds, cloves, fenugreek, green beans, cumin, caraway, linseed, cardamom, coriander,  fennel; Anise, ascorbic acid, aspartame, beans (all types of beans e.g., kidney, lima, garbanzo), bean sprouts, BHA and BHT (in corn oil), black-eyed peas, buckwheat, calcium ascorbate, canola (rapeseed) oil, caraway, citric acid (sometimes Chametz), chickpeas, coriander, corn and corn oil, corn syrup, cumin, dextrose, emulsifiers, fennel, fenugreek, flax seeds, glucose, green beans, guar gum, hydrolyzed vegetable oil, kasha, kimmel, lecithin (all commercially produced lecithin is made from soy), lentils, licorice, Lucerne, lupine, maltodextrin (sometimes Chametz), millet, MSG (can be from beets [kosher for Pesach], corn [Kitniyos], or wheat [Chametz]), mustard and mustard flour, NutraSweet, peanuts, peas, polysorbates (sometimes Chametz), popcorn, poppy seeds, rice, saffron, sesame seeds, snow peas, sodium citrate, sodium erythorbate, sorbitan, sorbitol (could be Chametz unless manufactured in the U.S.A), soybeans and soy oil, stabilizers, starch (possibly Chametz), string beans, sunflower seeds, tofu, vitamin C (could be Chametz), xanthan gum (may be Chametz). Quinoa is disputed if it is Kitniyos. Flax seeds and hemp seeds from the letter of the law are not Kitniyos. However, since they can be ground as flour, some opinions include them in the category of Kitniyos.
  • Checking the permitted seeds for grains: Those seeds which are not similar to wheat and are thus permitted, nevertheless must be checked very well to make sure that they do not contain any grain kernels in them. For this reason, one who is stringent to avoid eating cumin and sheves will be blessed as it is very difficult to sift them from grains.
  • May one own and get benefit from Kitniyos? One may both own and benefit from kitnyus on Pesach even if it is wet, as it was only forbidden in eating when wet.
  • May one have Kitniyos products on ones table when one eats? One may [have Kitniyos products on ones table, such as to] have Kitniyos oil on ones table which is being used for candles. The reason for this is because we do not suspect that the oil will fall into food, as even if it does it is nullified in majority.
  • What is the Halacha if Kitniyos fell in ones food? It is nullified in majority as this prohibition is a mere stringency due to custom.



  • May one eat Kitniyos on Erev Pesach until the night?
  • Some Poskim rule it is permitted to eat Kitniyos on Erev Pesach until the night on the condition that one checks the kernels for grains three times. However, other Poskim rule that eating Kitniyos is forbidden starting from the 5th Practically, the widespread custom is to be stringent.
  • May children or an ill person eat Kitniyos?
  • If needed they may be given Kitniyos to eat, even if there is no danger involved. When doing so it is proper to designate pots which will be used for the Kitniyos.
  • May one cook in a pot that had Kitniyos cooked in it?
  • After 24 hours one may cook in it even Lechatchilah. Within 24 hours one may not do so, although if he does then the food is permitted, as there is majority of Heter versus the Kitniyos taste.


  • What does one do if he cooked Kitniyos on his stove and some of it spilled?
  • One must make sure to clean it well prior to cooking on it Pesach foods.


  • If an Ashekenazi woman married a Sefardi may she eat Kitniyos?
  • Yes, she may, and she does not even need to perform a removal of a vow.
  • Is Kitniyos Muktzah on Yom Tov of Pesach?
  • No
  • May one eat Kitniyos on Shabbos which follows the last day of Yom Tov?
  • It is permitted to eat edible Kitniyus on Shabbos which follows the last day of Pesach. Thus, one may buy Chumus and Tehina which are Kosher for Pesach during Chol Hamoed, and eat it that Shabbos.
  • May one cook the Kitniyos on Friday which is Yom Tov?
  • Some Poskim rule this is permitted. Others rule it is forbidden.


Are peanuts Kitniyus?

The Igros Moshe writes that from the letter of the law peanuts are permitted to be eaten, although in places that the custom is to be stringent one may not permit them to eat it.

May coffee and cocoa be eaten?

It is allowed as it grows on a tree and is thus not considered Kitniyos. However, there are those which are stringent to not eat it, in order so others do not think that Kitniyos is also permitted to be eaten.

The Chabad custom: The Chabad custom is not to use processed foods, or unpeelable products over Pesach. Nevertheless, seemingly coffee would follow the same accustomed ruling regarding sugar, of which the Rebbe stated that if one knows for certain that it does not contain Chametz then there is no reason to prohibit it. Accordingly, one may use Turkish coffee with a good Hashgacha over Pesach. Those who are stringent can boil the coffee in water before Pesach. Rav Eli Landau Shlita related that he makes his own coffee for Pesach. He purchases the fresh green coffee beans in an area that does not sell Chametz products, and then roasts them and grinds them at home.

Are Potatoes and potato flour allowed to be eaten?

Some opinions prohibit using potatoes flour being that it is too similar to grains and an ignoramus may come to permit even flour of grains if it were to be allowed. The Chayeh Adam even goes as far as saying that even actual potatoes are forbidden. The custom however is to be lenient even regarding potato flower, and so rule majority of the Poskim.

Is Quinoa Kitniyos?

This matter is under dispute amongst Kashrus organizations.

May Kitniyus Shenishtana/Kitniyus oil be used?

Some Hashgacha organizations allow Kitniyos derivatives to be used in their Kosher Lepesach labeled products. An example of this is corn syrup and aspartame, which is a sweetener used in diet sodas. Other Hashgacha organizations, such as Rav Landaus, do not accept any Kitniyos derivatives, and thus there is no Kosher Lepeasach diet coke in Israel.

Opinion of Admur: From the fact that Admur considers Kitnityus oil to be forbidden to eat it implies that he holds that all Kitniyos derivatives are forbidden.

May mushrooms be eaten?

Mushrooms are not considered Kitniyos, although many mushrooms grown off rye and wheat and thus may not be eaten unless under special Pesach supervision.

May one use canola/soy oil, and other oils made of seed?

Many Poskim allow oil made from seeds to be used if they were carefully checked. However, the Minchas Yitzchak prohibits all oils made from seeds being that it is difficult to clean them from grains.

F. List of foods and their Kosher for Pesach status:

  • Salt and other spices: One may not eat salt and other spices on Pesach unless it has a reliable Hashgacha, as we suspect that perhaps Chametz becomes mixed into the salt. [Many spices are manufactured in the same plant as grains and hence may contain grain traces in them. As well, at times grains infiltrate into the raw spice upon being sacked and get ground together. This is aside for the inconspicuous behavior of some merchants who purposely add flour to spices, especially black pepper, for the sake of making a greater profit
  • Sugar: One may not eat sugar on Pesach unless it has a reliable Hashgacha as we suspect that perhaps Chametz becomes mixed into the sugar. Some have the custom of avoiding sugar although this custom is not for all to take upon themselves. Others boil the sugar and use the sugar water for Pesach. See Halacha 11C!
  • Filtering water: The custom is to filter the water when drawing it with a clean white cloth.
  • Honey: One may not eat honey on Pesach unless it has a reliable Hashgacha.
  • Dried fruits: One may not eat dried fruits on Pesach unless it has a reliable Hashgacha.
  • Cloves: One may not use cloves on Pesach unless it has a reliable Hashgacha.
  • Tabak: One may not sniff Tabak on Pesach unless it has a reliable Hashgacha.
  • Matzah Ashira-Egg Matzah: The Ashkenazi custom is to prohibit eating egg Matzah throughout Pesach. See Halacha 12C for further details!
  • Machine made Matzah: The Chabad custom is not to eat machine Matzah at all on Pesach, and one should not give it to kids either, as by Emunah one cannot be lenient. See Halacha 12D for further details!
  • Gebrochts: Chassidim are very particular not toe at any Gebrochts on Pesach. See Halacha 11A!
  • Radish: The Rebbe Rashab said that the Tzemach Tzedek forbade radishes on Pesach without giving any explanation. The Rebbe Rashab himself would sell his radish jelly before Pesach.
  • Garlic: There are those which are accustomed not to eat garlic on Pesach. Those that are accustomed to follow this custom are not to swerve from it. However, those that did not receive such a custom are not required accept it.
  • Cinnamon: Our custom is not to eat cinnamon because it may contain Chametz.

Kosher for Pesach list

Most processed foods require special certification for Pesach as innocent as they may seem due to that Chametz is commonly used in the processing of many different foods, either for the sake of fragrance, taste, or texture, and likewise due to that many foods are processed in Chametz food lines and in areas that contain flower. Nonetheless, there are some foods that are not known to have any Chametz involved in their processing, and hence do not need to be kosher for Pesach, which we will list below. The following is a partial list that we have been able to compile. It is beyond the scope of this list to include all products, and we have not included in the listing a list of known Chametz or Kitniyus products.

Foods and products that are considered kosher for Pesach and do not require a special certification:

*Listed in alphabetical order

The following foods and products from the letter of the law do not need to be kosher for Pesach, either due to them not being processed at all, or due to them not being processed with any known Chametz ingredient, or due to not being an edible product. [By those products and items in which some are nonetheless stringent to avoid, we have noted this in brackets]

  1. Air freshener
  2. Alcohol gel [some are stringent]
  3. Alcohol for sanitation spray [some are stringent]
  4. Alvera gel for topical use [on skin]
  5. Baby oil
  6. Baby wipes-no alcohol
  7. Baking paper
  8. Bags-sandwich, garbage 
  9. Balloons [the powder is made from Talc and not Chametz or starch. One can simply verify with dabbing it with iodine and seeing if it turns blue.]
  10. Bleach
  11. Bug spray
  12. Bug repellent
  13. Chapstick-unflavored [many are stringent especially by flavored, and so is proper to follow. However, pure Vaseline is valid]
  14. Charcoal Lump [in contrast to briquettes]
  15. Chicken-Unprocessed not cut by butcher shop.
  16. Cleaning sprays
  17. Coffee-Ground/Turkish coffee [excludes instant coffee which must be certified for Pesach]
  18. Cologne that does not list ethyl alcohol in its ingredients. If it does, from letter of law may be lenient, although many are stringent to sell.
  19. Conditioner [some are stringent]
  20. Cosmetics, including facial creams and non-grain body oils. [some are stringent]
  21. Cream-hand and body [some are stringent]
  22. Deodorant [some are stringent]
  23. Detergent for laundry
  24. Detergent for dishes [many are stringent and so is proper to follow]
  25. Dental floss-unflavored.
  26. Eardrops
  27. Eggs [some wash off the stamp before Pesach]
  28. Essential oils 100% pure, that are not edible, or are edible but are not produced using solvent extraction.
  29. Eyedrops
  30. Fish-fresh unprocessed
  31. Frozen vegetables, except for artichoke
  32. Gas
  33. Garlic-Fresh [whether cured through drying and sold without stalk or completely fresh with stalk intact, in contrast to garlic powder or garlic flakes]
  34. Gloves-powderless
  35. Lipstick-unflavored [many are stringent, and so is advised]
  36. Lotion-hand and body [some are stringent]
  37. Marijuana-Medically grown in Israel
  38. Meat-Unprocessed not cut by butcher shop.
  39. Medicinal creams.
  40. Medicine tablets and pills that are swallowable without taste. [Many are stringent, unless is a real need. May check for validation on Kosher for Pesach listing[3]]
  41. Mouthwash [many are stringent, and so is advised]
  42. Nail polish remover with acetone [is valid even if contains hydrolyzed wheat protein]
  43. Oil for lighting
  44. Olive oil 100% extra virgin from reliable producer
  45. Oven stain remover
  46. Perfume that does not list ethyl alcohol in its ingredients. If it does, from letter of law may be lenient, although many are stringent to sell.
  47. Plastic plates
  48. Plastic cutlery
  49. Plastalina
  50. Plastic cups
  51. Rubbing alcohol made from isopropyl.
  52. Rubbing alcohol made from denatured ethanol.
  53. Sanitizing lotions
  54. Shampoo. [some are stringent]
  55. Shoe polish.
  56. Skewers-wood and metal
  57. Slime
  58. Snuff-dry [for smelling, although some are stringent]
  59. Soap-for body/hands. [some are stringent]
  60. Soap-for dishes. [many are stringent, and so is advised]
  61. Starch for ironing-if corn based
  62. Straws
  63. Styrofoam plates
  64. Talc/Talcum powder
  65. Tea-unflavored [remove the paper holder by string-may contain starch]
  66. Tissues [not used for food]
  67. Toilet paper. [Don’t use for food]
  68. Toilet soap.
  69. Toothpaste [many are stringent, and so is advised]
  70. Toothpicks-unflavored
  71. Vaseline-100% petroleum jelly.
  72. Water [some are stringent to filter]
  73. Window cleaning spray.

Foods and products that need a kosher for Pesach certification:

  1. Alcoholic beverages
  2. Aluminum foil
  3. Aluminum baking pans
  4. Alvera gel for oral use
  5. Baby wipes-with alcohol
  6. Baby cereal
  7. Baby food
  8. Baking powder
  9. Candies
  10. Canned foods-Pickles, olives, corn, etc etc
  11. Caramel
  12. Carob powder
  13. Cereals
  14. Chapstick-flavored [some are lenient]
  15. Cocoa powder
  16. Charcoal briquettes [some are lenient]
  17. Chocolate
  18. Cheese
  19. Chewing gum
  20. Cigarettes [although some are lenient]
  21. Citric acid
  22. Cloves
  23. Coffee-instant or granulated
  24. Date honey/syrup
  25. Dental floss-flavored.
  26. Dressings for salad
  27. Dried fruits
  28. Energy drinks
  29. Essential oils that are edible [need verification that was not produced using ethanol in solvent extraction method] or are not 100% pure essential oil.
  30. Fish-Processed or frozen
  31. Food coloring
  32. Gelatin powder
  33. Gefilte fish
  34. Gloves-with Powder [may check with iodine]
  35. Honey.
  36. Ice cream
  37. Jam
  38. Ketchup
  39. Lemon juice-processed
  40. Lipstick-flavored [some are lenient]
  41. Liquor
  42. Maple syrup
  43. Materna for babies
  44. Mayonnaise
  45. Margarine
  46. Meat-processed, such as: cold cuts, beef jerky, ground meat or chicken, Israeli frozen meats
  47. Medicine- Chewable or syrups. [Unless is Sakana. Must check for validation on Kosher for Pesach listing[4]]
  48. Mushrooms
  49. Napkins [see below by paperware]
  50. Nuts-roasted [in contrast to fresh]
  51. Oil for eating [except 100% pure extra virgin olive oil]
  52. Olive oil that is not 100% extra virgin or is not from reliable producer
  53. Paperware, including paper plates, paper cups, Paper bags, Tissues used to wrap foods, Paper Napkins, Paper rolls, paper towels, Paper lining. [One can check himself at home if they contain starch by dabbing them with iodine/polydine. If they turn blue in color, do not use. If not, then they are free of Chametz and may be used.]
  54. Peanut butter
  55. Perfume that contains ethyl alcohol in its ingredients [although some are lenient].
  56. Pet food
  57. Plastic gloves. [May test with polydine]
  58. Plastic tablecloths [May contain starch, can check using iodine]
  59. Play dough
  60. Pudding-ready made and instant
  61. Rubbing alcohol made from non-denatured ethanol.
  62. Rum
  63. Salt
  64. Sardines
  65. Sodas
  66. Soup powders
  67. Soy sauce
  68. Soy milk
  69. Spreads-chocolate, date, carob, etc
  70. Spices
  71. Sugar
  72. Sugar-powdered
  73. Starch for ironing-if not corn based
  74. Tobacco for smoking [some are lenient]
  75. Tomato sauce
  76. Toothpicks-flavored
  77. Tuna-canned
  78. Vinegar
  79. Vitamins [Must check for validation on Kosher for Pesach listing[5]]
  80. Vodka
  81. Whisky

Sources: See our new edition sefer “The laws & Customs of Pesach” as well as the listing in Kosharot website


[1] See Blumenkrantz Digest p. 10-334

[2] The reason: Starch is used on many paperware, including at times wheat starch.




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