The judgment of the soul-Chibut Hakever:
The soul of the deceased is judged throughout the Shiva, Shloshim, and 12 months after passing as explained above in 2B. Likewise, each year on the day of the Yahrzeit, the soul goes through a judgment.[1]
Chibut Hakever:[2] Chibut Hakever is a punishment, or stage of refinement, that the body of the deceased goes through after the burial. This process accomplishes the separation of Kelipa and evil from the body, which has become attached due to sin, including the sin of Adam, as explained in Halacha 1. The Arizal explains the process as follows: Immediately after the burial inside earth, four angels come and lower the earth in the grave and make a vacuum of space that can fit one person. They then return his soul to his body, just as he was when he was alive, and the four angels hold him from his arms and legs and shake him and hit him with bats of fire, similar to how two people shake a Tallis. They shake him off from all the dirt that became stuck to him, until all the Kelipa is removed from him. It is for this reason that the grave must be dug deep, in order for there to be room for this shaking process to transpire. Now, different people go through different amounts, and intensities, of shaking, depending on their actions when alive. A Tzadik who controlled his inclination, and suffered in this world, only requires a swift shake, which is virtually painless. However, a Rasha who indulged in sin and the worldly pleasures requires a much stronger and lengthy cleansing process. This then is the meaning of the statement in Pirkeiy Derebbe Eliezer that an angel comes to the grave and asks the deceased as to his name, and the deceased answers that G-d knows that he does not know his name. This refers to a Rasha who did not know the name of his specific form of Kelipa or Yetzer Hara and thus did not properly battle it.
Segulos to avoid Chibut Hakever: 1) One who is buried in Eretz Yisrael is saved from Chibut Hakever, and from infestation.[3] 2) One who is buried on Erev Shabbos past the fifth hour is saved from Chibut Hakever.[4] 3) One who recites the letters of Torah for six hours throughout every 24 hours period, is saved from Chibut Hakever.[5]
[1] See Arizal in Shaar Hakavanos; Lechem Hapanim 376; Maharam Mintz 69 ; Leket Yoser p. 98; Mishmeres Shalom Yud 15 in name of Besht; Torah Lishmah 493; Nitei Gavriel 70:1; 72 footnote 1
[2] Shaar Hagilgulim Hakdama 23
[3] See Gesher Hachaim 27:8
[4] Shaar Hagilgulim Hakdama 23; Radbaz 1:107, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah 357:2; Gilyon Maharsha 357; Nitei Gavriel 129:6 See Toras Menachem 19:31 [brought in Shulchan Menachem 5:324]
[5] Hayom Yom 7th Teves
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