Is it better to purchase a new article of clothing during the nine days than to wash it if one ran out of that article clothing?
Some Poskim[1] rule that it is better for one to purchase a new article of clothing during the nine days, if he has run out of any clean pairs, then to resort to washing it during the nine days.[2] Other Poskim[3], however, rule that it is better to launder the clothing then to purchase a new article of clothing.[4]
___________________________________________________[1] Rav Elyashiv, brought in Sefer korei Alaiy Moed 4 footnote 2 and Piskeiy Teshuovs 551 footnote 216; Sefer Emes Leyaakov of Rav Kaminetzky 551 footnote 513; Gam Ani Odecha 3:174 in name of Rav Elyashiv; Teshuvah Mibei Midrasha 1:62; See also regarding Chol Hamoed: Bier Moshe 7:6
[2] The reason: As washing clothing during the nine days is based on an explicit prohibition in the Mishnah, and likewise by doing so and transgresses to restrictions one against washing the clothing and the second against wearing freshly laundered clothing. On the other hand, buying new clothing during the nine days is not an explicit prohibition from the Talmud.
[3] Tzohar 14:51 in name of Rav Elyashiv
[4] The reason: As by buying the clothing when transgresses two prohibitions one being purchasing new clothing and the second being wearing new clothing, while by washing clothing during the nine days one only transgresses one prohibition, as he can place it on the floor after it is washed and avoid the prohibition against wearing freshly washed clothing
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