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One does not fulfill his obligation of the morning blessings through hearing them from another person, even if the other person has in mind to fulfill ones obligation. If however one hears the blessings from a Chazan, in the presence of a Minyan which is listening to his blessings, then he fulfills his obligation.[2]
[1] 59/4; based on Levush 6/4 and 59/4; brought in M”A 6/10 and 59/8; So rules also Chayeh Adam 5; and so brings M”B 59/23; Ketzos Hashulchan 5 footnote 9
Other Opinions: The P”M 6 A”A 10 learns that the M”A 59/8 rules one fulfills his obligation even without a Minyan.
[2] Although by blessings said over food and Mitzvos one can fulfill his obligation through hearing someone else say the blessing, if that person is having him in mind, nevertheless this is not valid by the morning blessings. One can only fulfill his obligation of the morning blessings by either reciting them himself, or hearing them from someone who is saying them in the presence of another nine people which are listening and answering amen after them. The reason for this is because the morning blessings are blessings of praise and thanks, and therefore if one does not plan to recite them himself they need to be heard with a congregation, as this contains splendor towards the King which he is praising. They are thus similar to the blessings of prayer which one can only fulfill his obligation through hearing them in the presence of a Minyan. [ibid]
The blessing of Netilas Yadayim: One can fulfill his obligation through hearing someone else say the blessings of Netilas Yadayim even if it not being said in the presence of a Minyan. [Ketzos Hashulchan 5 footnote 9; Rebbe in Shaareiy Halacha Uminhag volume 1 page 25] The reason for this is because it is not a blessing of praise but of a Mitzvah and thus it is not included in this regard within “Birchas Hashachar.
The blessing of Elokaiy Neshama: The Ketzos Hashulchan ibid writes that according to Admur one does not fulfill his obligation through hearing Elokaiy Neshama said by another person. However the Rebbe [Shaareiy Halacha Uminhag volume 1 page 25] writes that one can fulfill his obligation through hearing someone else say the blessings of Netilas Yadayim and Elokaiy Neshama. Vetzaruch Iyun Gadol. Perhaps one can say that the Rebbe intended that one should hear these blessings from the Chazan within the presence of a Minyan.
The blessing of Birchas Hatorah: See next chapter Halacha 14 Q&A!
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