Fruits which fell off a tree:[1]
All fruits which have fallen off a tree on Shabbos are forbidden to be eaten until after Shabbos[2] and are therefore Muktzah[3]. [Furthermore, even if there is doubt as to if the fruits fell on Shabbos or beforehand it is forbidden.[4]]
Are vegetables which detached from the ground on Shabbos forbidden to be eaten?[5]
Yes. Hence they are Muktzah.
[1] Michaber 322/3
[2] The reason for this is due to a decree one may come to pluck a fruit from the tree on Shabbos. Alternatively it is because the fruit is Muktzah as one did not have it in mind from before Shabbos. [M”B 322/7]
[3] Ketzos Hashulchan 146/23 from Peri Megadim, Upashut.
[4] M”B 322/5; brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 146/23
[5] M”B 322/6 in name of Peri Megadim
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