Eating and drinking after the 4th cup & after the Seder

Eating and drinking after the 4th cup & after the Seder:

*See Chapter 3 Halacha 8f for the full details of this Halacha!

One is not to eat or drink anything, including water, after drinking the 4th cup, until morning, on both nights of the Seder. If he is very thirsty, he may drink water or a water-based drink, and if not available, then one may drink any non-alcoholic beverage. Some Poskim rule that once one awakens from sleep, he may eat and drink as usual even if it is before Alos Hashachar. However, other Poskim rule one may not eat or drink until Alos even if he awoke from sleep. Practically, one is to be stringent in this matter, unless one is very thirsty, as stated above.

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