Behavior-Giving one’s parents Nachas from one’s actions and behavior between man and man and between man and G-d

Behavior-Giving one’s parents Nachas from one’s actions and behavior between man and man and between man and G-d:[1]

Included in the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents is for one to endeavor to follow the correct path of Torah, mitzvah’s, ethics, and behavior between man and his fellow in a way that he is pleasing in the eyes of man and heaven, as this is the greatest honor that he can give his parents. [Likewise, following in the specific footsteps of one’s parents and ancestors in their approach in service of G-d, is included in the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Vaeim. Thus, a Chassid should learn and spread Chassidus as was the will of his ancestors.[2]]

Not to transgress G-d’s commands:[3] A child who transgresses a command of the Torah or even of the sages, and by doing so causes his parents to become ashamed, transgresses the biblical prohibition of honoring his parents.


[1] Kitzur SHU”A 143:21; See Zohar end of Parshas Bechukosaiy; Tanya Rabasi 100; Yuma 86a; Igeres Hateshuva of Rabbeinu Yona; See Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Kibud Av Vaeim Vol. 26 p. 384

[2] Likkutei Sichos Vol. 23 p. 427

[3] Or Hachaim Hakadosh Parshas Kedoshim; Salmas Chaim 2:40

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