The 6 Constant Mitzvos

The constant Mitzvos: The Poskim[1] enumerate a list of Mitzvos that one has the ability to constantly fulfill throughout the day being that they are not limited to any specific time, place or action. These are: Belief in Hashem Not to believe in the existence of any other G-d. The […]

The Geder of Davar Lach versus Davar Yaveish: May one reheat a wet and moist food on Shabbos-How wet is considered wet

The Geder of Davar Lach versus Davar Yaveish: May one reheat a wet and moist food on Shabbos-How wet is considered wet?[1] *Important note: This article does not deal with the subject of reheating congealed gravy, or foods with congealed gravy, on Shabbos. Melting congealed gravy on Shabbos contains both […]

From the Rav’s Desk: Saying the Tehillim of one’s children as a Segula for one’s children to remain Torah observant

Question: [Wednesday, 10th Shevat, 5783] Should one recite one’s children’s Tehillim? What is this a Segula for?   Answer:               Yes. It is an old tradition, reiterated by the Rebbe Rayatz, for one to read daily the chapter of Tehillim which corresponds to the age of one’s sons and daughters, and […]

Minhagei Yartzite for Yud Shvat

Minhagei Yartzite for Yud Shvat From a letter of the Rebbe printed in Igros Kodesh 4:143 Aliyah: On the Shabbos prior to the Yarzeit, each Chassid should attempt to receive an Aliyah to the Torah.[1] Not enough Aliyos: If there are not enough Aliyos available, the Torah should be read [a number of times] in different rooms. No […]