Hoshanah Raba-Laws & Customs

Hoshanah Raba 1. The meaning of Hoshana Raba:[1] During Sukkos we are judged regarding water [i.e. rain].[2] On Hoshana Raba, the judgment of the water is sealed. This is of significant importance to human life as human life is dependent on water. 2. The Aravos for Hoshanos:[3] A. The Mitzvah: […]

From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Lavud string which surrounds entire Sukkah 2) I am visiting Israel with my wife for Sukkos. Must I keep two days of Yom Tov?  3) Turning the electricity back on, on Yom Tov 4) Buying new sneakers on Chol Hamoed

From the Rav’s Desk-Some of our latest Q&A 1) Lavud string which surrounds entire Sukkah  Question: [Sunday, 14th Tishreiy, 5783] I am making my Sukkah walls using Lavud, as the walls are from sheets. I would like to know if I can use a single string to wrap around all […]