This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here Lifting the eyes during Kedusha:[1] It is customary to lift one’s eyes upwards [towards heaven] upon saying the words Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh[2] [during Kedusha of Chazaras Hashatz].[3] It is proper for the eyes to be closed while they are raised.[4] […]
May a child eat or drink before Kiddush?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May a child eat or drink before Kiddush?[1] If a child wants[2] or needs[3] to eat or drink, he may do so even before Kiddush. This applies both to the Kiddush of night and day.[4] It is forbidden to oppress […]
Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said-Part 2-Bedieved-How to calculate
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said-Part 2-Bedieved & How to calculate Initially one is to be very careful to recite Kiddush Levana prior to 14 days 18 hours and 396.5 chalakim past the Molad.[1] However, […]
Sof Zman Kiddush Levana-Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be recited-Part 1-Lechatchila
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said?[1] Kiddush Levana may only be recited within the first half of the month. A lunar month consists of 29 days, 12 hours and 793 Chalakim.[2] Thus, it may only […]
Talking during Kerias Hatorah
Talking during Kerias Hatorah:[1] Once the reader has begun to read the Torah it is forbidden for the congregants to speak.[2] [Furthermore, some Poskim[3] rule that even prior to the start of the reading, once the Sefer Torah is opened, it is forbidden to speak.] Words of Torah:[4] It is […]
May one whistle [or make other musical sounds] with one’s mouth on Shabbos?
May one whistle [or make other musical sounds] with one’s mouth on Shabbos?[1] It is Rabbinically forbidden to play musical instruments, or make music using the movements of one’s body[2], on Shabbos.[3] Nevertheless, the Sages limited this prohibition only to the doing of an action [with a bodily limb, such […]
Obligation of lender to have legal proof of the loan
The requirement to have legal proof of a loan:[1] It is forbidden for a lender to give a loan without having a form of legal testimony of its occurrence.[2] This applies even if the borrower is a Torah scholar ]and is thus a trustworthy person].[3] [Despite the above, the widespread […]
Stepping on egg shells
The mystical danger of stepping on egg shells:[1] One who steps on egg shells endangers himself to receive Tzaraas/leprosy. [Although many of the Talmudic, and even codified warnings of mystical dangers are no longer followed today[2], practically, many people are accustomed to abstaining from stepping on egg shells even today. […]
Eating, drinking, talking, after saying Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita and Hamapil-Part 2
Making an interval [i.e. eating; drinking; talking] after saying Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita/Hamapil:[1] One may not initially make an interval of talking, or eating/drinking, after the recital of Kerias Shema, even if he did not yet say Hamapil, and certainly if Hamapil was already said. Nonetheless, if an interval was […]
Making an interval [i.e. eating; drinking; talking] after saying Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita/Hamapil-Part 1
Making an interval [i.e. eating; drinking; talking] after saying Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita/Hamapil:[1] One may not eat, drink, or speak after reciting Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita [even if he did not yet say the blessing of Hamapil[2], and certainly if it was already recited]. Rather, he is to go to […]