This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Must the two foods of Mishloach Manos be of two different blessing? It is disputed amongst Poskim[1] whether the two gifts given for Mishloach Manos should be made up of two different foods. Seemingly, this debate has led to the […]
Must the Tzitzis cover one’s chest and why some don’t purchase V shaped Tallis Katan’s?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Tzitzis covering the chest:[1] Based on Kabala[2], the Tallis Katan is to cover the entire chest area [up until the neck]. Hence if one has a V neck Tallis Katan he is to sew or button the […]
Cutting nails on Rosh Chodesh that falls on Erev Shabbos
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy on Cutting nails on Rosh Chodesh that falls on Erev Shabbos: Normally, one may[1] not cut their nails[2] on Rosh Chodesh.[3] This applies to both men and women. However, when Rosh Chodesh falls on Erev Shabbos some Poskim[4] rule it is […]
Looking into another person’s property-Invasion of privacy
May one look into his neighbor’s property?[1] It is forbidden to look into another person’s property to see his actions and dealings, without his permission and knowledge.[2] This law applies even to a backyard and porch and goes without saying that it applies to a house. This applies even the […]
Yichud in an elevator
Is Yichud permitted in an elevator?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule the prohibition of Yichud applies in an elevator, and it is therefore forbidden to be alone in an elevator with a woman even for a very short amount of time.[3] Majority of Poskim[4] however rule the prohibition of Yichud does not apply to elevators.[5] […]
Visiting the grave of a parent after seven years of absence
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Audio from 5779 Visiting grave after seven years of absence:[1] Some are accustomed that if one did not visit the grave of a parent within seven years then he may not do so any longer.[2] Others[3] are only careful after ten years […]
With which hand should the Tefillin be removed?
With which hand should the Tefillin be removed?[1] [Although in general one is required to use his right hand for all matters of a Mitzvah[2], and the removal of the Tefillin is also viewed as a Mitzvah[3], nevertheless] some Sages[4] were accustomed to remove the head Tefillin with their left […]
Not to blow out candles with one’s mouth
Not to blow out candles with one’s mouth:[1] The Sages state that one is not to blow out a candle with his mouth, and one who does so is held liable for self-affliction.[2] [Thus, one is to be careful to not blow out a candle with one’s mouth but rather […]
Doresh El Hameisim: The prohibition against Necromancy & Seance, and the allowance to visit graves
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here The prohibition of Doresh El Hameisim [i.e. Necromancy; Seance] and the allowance to visit graves:[1] The Torah[2] prohibits a Jew from exhuming the spirit of the dead. This prohibition is listed as one of the 365 negative commands, and is […]
Not to be dressed sloppy-Tucking in the shirt
Not to be dressed sloppy:[1] One is to dress and look decent in order so he does not appear degrading in the eyes of others. This especially applies to a Torah scholar, or individuals who represents Torah in the eyes of others.[2] [The Rebbe once instructed his Shluchim to Eretz […]