This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here Spitting by Aleinu:[1] No doubt, one of the more peculiar customs, attributed to Chabad Chassidim, is the act of spitting that we perform during Aleinu. Many are not aware that this spitting is actually not an original Chabad custom, and […]
The secret fast day of the 9th of Teves and its uncovering of the origin of Christianity
The Fast day of the 9th of Teves:[1] The Shulchan Aruch lists a number of days in which it is customary to fast due to tragedies that occurred on that day. Amongst the list of days in which tragedies occurred, and is hence proper to fast on, is the 9th […]
May one eat, drink, and say Lechaim, while wearing Tefillin?
May one eat, drink, and say Lechaim, while wearing Tefillin?[1] A meal: One who enters [while wearing Tefillin] to eat a set meal [i.e. bread] is required to remove his Tefillin.[2] He is to leave them on the table so they are available to him after the meal is complete, […]
The order of placing Sefarim on top of each other-Tanach, Siddur, Tanya
Placing Sefarim on top of each other:[1] It is permitted to place a Chumash on top of Nevim or Kesuvim. However one may not place a Nevim or Kesuvim on top of a Chumash, and one may not place a Chumash on top of a Sefer Torah.[2] One may place […]
Zos Chanukah & What to do with leftover oil and wicks
Leftover oil and wicks: What should one do with it?[1] The leftover oil of the 8th day’s Chanukah lighting is [forbidden in benefit and is thus] to be burnt on its own, if the candle extinguished prior to burning for a half hour [past nightfall].[2] [This law applies likewise for […]
Does a Menorah or its glass bulbs require Geniza
Does a Menorah require Geniza?[1] A Menorah [whether used with oil or wax candles] does not require Geniza, and may hence be discarded in the garbage. Do the glass bowls which hold the oil require Geniza?[2] The glass bowls that hold the oil may likewise be discarded, although it is […]
Until what time of day may Hallel be recited?
When is Hallel to be recited?[1] From when during the day, and until when in the day: Hallel may be recited throughout the entire day, from dawn [Alos Hashachar] until nightfall [Tzeis Hakochavim]. Thus, if one did not recite Hallel immediately after Davening [Shemoneh Esrei of] Shacharis, he may recite […]
Lighting Chanukah candles on Erev Shabbos
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here Lighting on Erev Shabbos:[1] When are the Chanukah candles lit? On Erev Shabbos, the Chanukah candles are lit prior to the Shabbos candles.[2] The candles are lit with a blessing even though they are being lit while still day.[3] […]
Where is one to light the Chanukah candles on Erev and Motzei Shabbos if he will be traveling for Shabbos, or eating out for the Friday night meal
Where is one to light the Chanukah candles on Erev and Motzei Shabbos if he will be traveling for Shabbos, or eating out for the Friday night meal? If one is traveling for Shabbos, where is he to light the candles on Erev Shabbos?[1] If one is traveling on Erev […]
Should one use new wicks each night of Chanukah lighting?
Should one use new wicks each night?[1] It is permitted to reuse the same wicks of the previous night for the next nights lighting.[2] [Some Poskim[3], however, write that the custom is to use new wicks each night.[4] There is no final arbitration in this matter, and each is to […]