Listening to gentile music

Gentile[1] music and lullabies:[2] The words and tune: It is forbidden to listen to music that is sung for the sake of idolatry.[3] It is certainly forbidden to sing or listen to church melodies, or songs from Psalms which were orchestrated by Christians for the sake of their deity.[4] One […]

From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Crushing Doritos into ones salad on Shabbos 2) Keren Hashanah-how to fulfill the mitzvah of distributing charity daily before prayer

Question: [Thursday, 10th Kisleiv 5781] Is one allowed to crush Doritos or other types of chips into his salad on Shabbos. Basically, I love eating my salad together with crushed Doritos and would like to know if it is permitted for me to do on Shabbos as well? Answer: It […]