This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on May one use the secular dates verbally or in writing?[1] The years: Some Poskim[2] rule it is Biblically forbidden to write secular dates.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule it is permitted.[5] Practically, the custom is to be lenient as did […]
Pressuring a debtor to pay a loan
Todays Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here Pressuring a borrower to pay back a loan:[1] It is forbidden to pressure or confront [i.e. Nogeish] the debtor to pay back the loan in the event that one knows he does not have the means to pay. One who does […]
Eating on Erev Shabbos
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here Eating on Erev Shabbos: Arranging a large feast:[1] It is forbidden for one to establish[2] a large feast on Erev Shabbos, which one is not accustomed to eating during the week if the feast involves drinking alcoholic beverages.[3] It is […]
Accidentally ate on Fast Day
One forgot and ate or drank on the fast day:[1] Is he to continue fasting that day?[2] If one ate or drank on a public[3] fast day, he is nevertheless required to continue fasting for the rest of that day, and is forbidden to eat or drink any further. [It […]
Reusing a ladle to pour soup on Shabbos
Cooking after cooking by liquids-Taking a second portion of soup It commonly occurs that after one uses a serving spoon or ladle to remove soup or another food from the Keli Rishon pot that was on fire the spoon or ladle is placed down on the counter. The […]
Birthday Customs
The customs of a Birthday Introduction It is customary amongst many people to celebrate their birthday. It is a happy day in which people yearn and desire to be cherished and allow themselves extravagances and luxuries that they would usually not partake in. In the secular world, many […]
Laws of Erev Sukkos and Leisheiv Basukkah
Checklist for Erev Sukkos Charity Cut hair and nails No eating past 10th Bind Lulav Verify validity of Sukkah Erev Sukkos: Increase in Tzedakah on Erev Sukkos. Bake Challahs for Yom Tov in the honor of Yom Tov. Cut the nails on Erev Sukkos in honor of Yom Tov. Get […]
General fast day checklist & Summary
General laws: One must be especially careful to avoid anger on a fast day The fast begins at Alos Hashachar, which is approximately two fluctuating hours prior to sunrise. Children are not to be given sweets and the like although one is not required to stop them from eating it […]
The Mitzvah of hearing Shofar-The number of blows needed to be heard
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The amount of blows needed to be heard: The Biblical requirement:[1] According to Biblical law, one is only is required to hear nine blows, which is made up of three sets of a Tekiah-Teruah-Tekiah [תר”ת תר”ת תר”ת].[2] With the […]
Who is a Jew-Determining Jewish identity
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now Who is a Jew-Determining Jewish identity in cases of question and doubt: According to Jewish law, a person is only determined to be a Jew [i.e. to contain a G-dly soul, be obligated in the Torah and Mitzvos, and be […]