Hitting a fellow Jew: A. The prohibition, severity and penalty:[1] It is [Biblically] forbidden for one to hit another Jew and if one hits him he transgresses a negative command.[2] This prohibition applies even to a light hit.[3] Lifting hand to hit:[4] Furthermore, anyone who lifts a threatening hand against […]
One who accidently switched an item with another person:
One who accidently switched an item with another person:[1] If one attended an event, or participated in a Minyan or Shiur, and at the end of the event he accidently took the wrong coat, hat, umbrella, Tallis/Tefillin, or any other item, may he use that item until he finds the […]
Lending a rented or borrowed item to another:
Lending a rented or borrowed item to another:[1] *Important note: In all cases that the owner explicitly stated his desire vis a vis the item being used by another person, one must obey those desires, whatever they may be. The following Halacha refers to a case that no preconditions or […]
If one desires to forgive a loan must he tell the borrower?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now May one forgive a loan without telling the borrower? A. Introduction: If one loaned someone money and has yet to be paid back, often the lender who sympathizes with the borrower’s predicament, desires to simply forgive him the loan. The […]
Obligation of lender to have legal proof of the loan
The requirement to have legal proof of a loan:[1] It is forbidden for a lender to give a loan without having a form of legal testimony of its occurrence.[2] This applies even if the borrower is a Torah scholar ]and is thus a trustworthy person].[3] [Despite the above, the widespread […]
Halachic validity of a check
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donatehttps://vimeo.com/215792540 5. Definition of a check in Halacha:[1] There is a dispute amongst today’s Poskim as to […]
Check cashing
Using check cashing services: Using a check cashing service is for all purposes similar to selling a loan to a third party, and follows all the restrictions and laws explained above. The difference between cashing a check by a bank and by a check cashing service is that […]
Selling checks, bonds and IOU’s – The Ribis regulations applicable to selling a debt or loan to a third party
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donatehttps://vimeo.com/3431922234. Selling a loan/debt to another:[1] […]
Positive command to loan money to a needy Jew
Positive command to loan money to a needy Jew:[1] It is a positive Biblical command, for one who is able to afford it, to lend money to a Jew that is in need. This applies even if the borrower is wealthy and is simply in temporary need for […]
Kinyan Sudar/Chalifin-How it works
Kinyan Sudar/Chalifin:[1] A. What can be acquired through the Kinyan?[2] All items, whether moveable objects [i.e. Mitaltilin] or land [i.e. Karka] may be acquired through a Kinyan Suddar [otherwise known as Kinyan Chalifin]. This applies whether to a sale or to the giving of a present. B. How it is […]