Checklist of waking up[1] 1. Prepare a basin filled with water near the bed prior to going to sleep. 2. Think of Hashem: As soon as one awakens in the morning he is to think that Hashem is standing over him and waiting for him to get up […]
Child who stole, and a person who stole as a child
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer “Topics in Practical Halacha” Volume 2 C.M. See original Hebrew sources on this Halacha [Members Only] Child who stole, and a person who stole as a child:[1] If a child stole an object, then if the stolen object is still in existence, […]
Child who damaged
Child who caused damage:[1] If a child caused bodily damage to another person he is exempt from paying for damages even when he becomes older.[2] Doing repentance above the letter of the law:[3] Even though one is exempt from paying for the damages, it is nevertheless proper for him […]
Child who borrowed money
Child who borrowed money:[1] If a child borrowed money for purposes of food or business, he is obligated to pay back the lender when he is older. [If however he was below six years of age, he is not liable.[2] However, some Poskim[3] rule that if he borrowed […]
Gambling: The prohibition against gambling and its severity
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Gambling:[1] The prohibition: Some Poskim[2] rule it is forbidden to gamble [with a Jew] due to a Rabbinical stealing prohibition.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule there is no stealing prohibition involved in gambling even with a Jew, just as is the law […]
Killing creatures-Is it permitted to cause pain or to kill living creatures?
Is it permitted to cause pain or kill living creatures?[1] It is Biblically forbidden to actively[2] cause pain to any[3] living creature [for no justifiable reason, as will be explained].[4] [It goes without saying that one may not kill a creature for no justifiable reason.[5]] If the creature is a […]
Scaring another person
May one scare another person and is he liable for damages?[1] It is forbidden to scare another Jew. One who does so, such as he released a scream from behind him or suddenly appeared in front of him in a dark area, although he is not liable below in this […]
Looking into neighbors property
May one look into his neighbor’s property?[1] It is forbidden to look into another person’s property to see what he is doing. This applies even if there is an open window through which the person can see from. Due to this, it is obligatory for neighbors to create partitions to […]
Hitting a Jew
Hitting a fellow Jew: A. The prohibition, severity and penalty:[1] It is [Biblically] forbidden for one to hit another Jew and if one hits him he transgresses a negative command.[2] This prohibition applies even to a light hit.[3] Lifting hand to hit:[4] Furthermore, anyone who lifts a threatening hand against […]
One who accidently switched an item with another person:
One who accidently switched an item with another person:[1] If one attended an event, or participated in a Minyan or Shiur, and at the end of the event he accidently took the wrong coat, hat, umbrella, Tallis/Tefillin, or any other item, may he use that item until he finds the […]