This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 7. Standing-Is one to sit or stand during the Shofar blowing?[1] A. The blower:[2] The person who is blowing the Shofar is required to stand during the blowing.[3] Leaning:[4] It is therefore forbidden for him to […]
6. When is the Shofar to be blown?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 6. When is the Shofar to be blown?[1] A. The days: The first versus the second day:[2] The Shofar is blown on both the first and second day of Rosh Hashanah. Biblically, Rosh Hashanah is only […]
5. Kavanah-Having intent to fulfill the Mitzvah
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 5. Kavanah-Having intent to fulfill the Mitzvah:[1] All Mitzvos require Kavana in order to fulfill the obligation. This means that one must have in mind when fulfilling the action of the Mitzvah that he is doing […]
4. Who amongst those valid should be appointed to blow the Shofar?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 4. Who amongst those valid should be appointed to blow the Shofar?[1] *See Halacha 1-2 for those who are invalid for blowing Shofar. This Halacha is discussing only regarding who should be chosen amongst those who […]
1. Who is obligated to hear Shofar?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 1. Who is obligated to hear Shofar?[1] A. Men: Men over the age of thirteen[2] are obligated to hear Shofar. The hearing of Shofar is a Biblical command and differs the Mitzvah of Davening on Rosh […]
13. The law if one did not blow the sets in order
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 13. The law if one did not blow the sets in order: [1] Example: One first blew the sets of Tashat and then Tarat and only then blew the sets of Tashrat. Or one first blew two sets of […]
12. The law if one blew the wrong sound or blew an extra sound
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 12. The law if one blew the wrong sound or blew an extra sound? Introduction: There are different types of mistakes that carry different rulings. One blew the wrong sound such as a Shevarim instead of Teruah; one blew […]
11. If many people are blowing at the same time
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 11. If many people are blowing at the same time:[1] If there are many people blowing simultaneously, one fulfills his obligation so long as he intends to listen to the blowing of a single blower and that blower is […]
10. Must one hear all the sounds from the same blower?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 10. Must one hear all the sounds from the same blower?[1] One is not required to hear all the blows from the same person. Hence even if one heard a Tekiah from one person and a Teruah from another […]
9. Intervals between blows
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 9. Intervals between blows:[1] Speaking in between blows:[2] It is initially forbidden for the blower to speak or make an interval between the blows until the last Tekios of Musaf are heard.[3] [If one is hearing Shofar outside of […]