The Chumra of Gebrochts
Matzah Shruyah/Gebrochts:[1] What is it? Matzah that has come to contact with water either by cooking with water or dipping in water. The Law: The Chassidic custom is not to eat any Matzah dipped in water due to a suspicion that part of the flour may not have been […]
Not saying “This is for Pesach”-Setting aside products for Yom Tov rather than for Pesach:
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Not to say “This is for Pesach”-Setting aside products for Yom Tov rather than for Pesach:[1] Animals:[2] It is forbidden or one to say regarding (his animal) that “this meat is for Pesach.” It goes without saying […]
When to place a Mezuzah on a rental home
When to place a Mezuzah on a rental home:[1] When one purchases a home, the Mezuzah is obligated to be placed on the doors of the home as soon as one moves into the home. This applies even in the Diaspora. If, however, one is renting or borrowing the home, […]
Touching the Mezuzah upon leaving and entering ones home
Touching the Mezuzah upon leaving and entering ones home:[1] There are opinions[2] who say that when a person leaves the home, he is to place his [right[3]] hand [i.e. middle finger[4]] on the Mezuzah and say the verse[5] “Hashem Yishmor Tzeisi Uvoi Meyata Viad Olam/G-d will guard my leaving and […]
Positive command to loan money to a needy Jew
Positive command to loan money to a needy Jew:[1] It is a Biblical positive command to lend money to a pauper (if one is able to afford it[2]).[3] This applies even if the borrower is wealthy and is simply in temporary need of the money.[4] Lending money to a person […]
May one eat Garlic on Pesach?
Garlic:[1] Garlic is not Chametz, or Kitniyus, and is thus permitted to be eaten over Pesach.[2] Nevertheless, there are those who are accustomed not to eat garlic on Pesach.[3] Those families who are accustomed to follow this custom are not to swerve from it.[4] However, those families who did […]
Making use of a Bima
Making use of the Bima: The Bima onto which the Sefer Torah is placed is considered Tashmishei Kedusha[1], and is therefore forbidden to be used for mundane purposes.[2] If, however, the Sefer Torah is not directly placed onto the Bima, but rather is always placed on a cloth which is […]
Magicians according to Halacha
Listen to Audio Shiur Magicians-Performing magic tricks, hiring a performer, and watching a performance:[1] It is forbidden to perform an action that makes it appear to the onlooker as if he is performing a supernatural act.[2] One who does so transgresses the Biblical command of “Lo Sionein” and is liable […]
Where is Mordechai and Esther buried?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Where is Mordechai and Esther buried? Mordechai is buried in the city of Shushan.[1] The tomb of Mordechai can be found in the city of Hamadan, Iran. Esther is buried in a Northern Galilean town called Baram.[2] She was buried […]