Concentration during Shema

Concentration during Shema:[1] One is to concentrate on every single word recited during Keiras Shema. Even if one is unable to Daven without being bothered by foreign thoughts, he is to accustom himself to recite Kerias Shema without foreign thoughts. One who does so achieves that all physical and spiritual […]

Who should wash Mayim Achronim first

The order of who washes first:[1] If a group of people ate together and are now reciting Birchas Hamazon, then if there are more than five people present, the youngest of the group who is sitting at the end is to be the first to wash Mayim Achronim.[2] The water […]

Hefsek, talking, after Mayim Achronim

7. Hefsek-Approximating the washing to the Bentching:[1] One must approximate the washing of Mayim Achrnim to Birchas Hamazon as much as possible.[2] [Doing so helps protect one’s meal from persecution of the Satan.[3]] The Sages estimated this to be the amount of time it takes for another four people to […]