The Mitzvah of building a Sukkah:[1] It is a command in the Torah to dwell in a Sukkah throughout the seven days of the Sukkos Holiday. As a result of this command, we are required to build a Sukkah prior to Sukkos in order to fulfill the command when the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Toasting Challah on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 11th Elul, 5781] Is there any problem for me to place my Challahs on the Blech on Shabbos for them to become toasty? Answer: It depends on how you plan on doing so. If the Challah is dry and you place it on top of a pot […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Toasting Challah on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 11th Elul, 5781] Is there any problem for me to place my Challahs on the Blech on Shabbos for them to become toasty? Answer: It depends on how you plan on doing so. If the Challah is dry and you place it on top of a pot […]
The laws of Borer-Removing a solid from within a liquid
The laws of Borer-Removing a solid from within a liquid:[1] Small solids:[2] Small solids retain all the Borer restrictions with regards to removing them from liquid or vice versa. Thus, separating small pieces of onion, chicken, vegetables from soup contains the Borer restrictions. Likewise, removing a fly or hair from […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When to take three steps back up after Maariv
Question: [Wednesday, 10th Elul, 5781] After Shemoneh Esrei when Davening with a Minyan, you’re suppsoed wait until the Chazan reaches Kedusha. My question is regaridng Maariv, in which there is no Chazaras Hashtaz, when is one to take the three steps back up? Answer: There is no clear ruling […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When to take three steps back up after Maariv
Question: [Wednesday, 10th Elul, 5781] After Shemoneh Esrei when Davening with a Minyan, you’re suppsoed wait until the Chazan reaches Kedusha. My question is regaridng Maariv, in which there is no Chazaras Hashtaz, when is one to take the three steps back up? Answer: There is no clear ruling […]
Purchasing Life insurance
Purchasing Life insurance: Many Poskim[1] rule that it is permitted [and one is to be encouraged[2]] to purchase life insurance and doing so is not a sign of lack of Bitachon and the like. Others[3] however take a colder stance towards its purchase.[4] There is no clear directive of the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is it Yichud for an elderly man to have a female caregiver
Question: [Monday, 8th Elul 5781] My father is old and suffers from various medical issues due to a stroke he recently had. We are in the process of bringing him back to his home, and since he lives alone [as my mom passed away a few years back] I would […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is it Yichud for an elderly man to have a female caregiver
Question: [Monday, 8th Elul 5781] My father is old and suffers from various medical issues due to a stroke he recently had. We are in the process of bringing him back to his home, and since he lives alone [as my mom passed away a few years back] I would […]
Changes in the prayers applicable to Aseres Yimei Teshuva
Changes in the prayers applicable to Aseres Yimei Teshuva [Halacha 2-3]: Saying Shir Hamaalos in Shacharis: It is customary to recite the psalm of Shir Hamaalos Mimamakim between Yishtabach and Barchu throughout the ten days of repentance. The purpose of reciting this psalm during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah is to sweeten […]