How much is a Kezayis

How much is a Kezayis?[1] Background and theoretical size in Talmudic terminologies:[2] The type of olive referred to in the term Kezayis:[3] The Kezayis which is mentioned in all Halachic literature refers to a medium and average size olive, which is not large or small. This sized olive is called […]

How much is Kdei Achilas Peras

How much is Kdei Achilas Peras? The theoretical measurement in bread eating:[1] The debate: Kdei Achilas Peras is the amount of time it takes to eat a half a loaf of bread.[2] Now, it is disputed amongst the Poskim as to the volume contained within this loaf. This dispute relates […]

When is Plag Hamincha?

When is Plag Hamincha?[1] Plag Hamincha is 1 and ¼ Zmaniyos hours prior to sunset. __________________________________________________ [1] Ketzos Hashulchan 76/1. This is based on Siddur Hilchos Kerias Shema and 443/4 which rules that the hours of day are calculated from sunrise to sunset, and so is the custom today of […]